I forgot PU-238, as someone posted above. That’s a sad movie, but pretty good. A most violent year was good too.
I forgot PU-238, as someone posted above. That’s a sad movie, but pretty good. A most violent year was good too.
Just watched it for the second time a couple of nights ago. And that dancing scene gives me a woody. He totally becomes different characters—almost unrecognizable if you don’t know who he is. I did a little Oscar binge: A Most Violent Year, Two Faces of January, Ex Machina, Inside Llewyn Davis. Even in the not-so-good…
OMG Oscar Isaac is just amazing. In everything he does. I bet you can go into the bathroom after he shits and it smells like old spice. *swoon*
I occasionally have sex dreams about my brother. No full-on sex, but sexual. I’m a guy and he passed away some time ago. I’ve never really worried much about it. I think it has more to do with intimacy than sex.
Oh, cheesus. I had a friend use ambien on a trip to Europe. She disabled a smoke detector and smoked in the bathroom—totally sleep walking. She flushed every time she exhaled so that the smoke got sucked into the septic system. The flight attendant was on to her, but just escorted her back to her seat. lol
Yup. It’s a common stress dream. I have had that dream lots of times, but sometimes I go into a shame spiral, like, “Why didn’t take better care of my teeth. Now I can never get them back. I’m such a failure at life.” Terrible. Then I wake up and realize I’m not so bad, and I can floss a little more regularly.
I never saw him prior to OITNB. Didn’t watch the Wire. That’s why I was embarrassed! He looks so white trashy, but I could tell there was a hottie under there.
OK, embarrassed to say this, but I find him totes hot. I had a sad wank session when he was written off the show.
Totes. Matt McGory can do so much better. I never bought the whole love-at-first sight thing betw those two.
To punch them, pull their hair, and scratch their arms. Teenagers are assholes.
Right. And also, they cannot act as a de-fact legal system. We have one of those, and schools need to leave crime to the criminologists, judges, and juries.
You stole my quote! But I was going to say, the individual instances are the makings of due process. Those who want to focus on the “forest” are moving toward a guilty until-proven-innocent paradigm—“see all these complaints? There must be truth to it!” That’s Yoffe’s argument. Granted this is the pendulum swinging…
Apparently no one around here gives a shit that I just saved 15% on my car insurance!
I love how white women fetishize and black guys just have a preference for white girls. lol
OK, good luck!
Right. Hence my point about eating concentrated fat and calories. Better to leave those things off and save your calories for healthier choices. Same with not drinking your calories via soft drinks and juices. Concentrated calories are the things that blow peoples’ diets without them realizing it.
Oh, OK. Pan drippings (fat), usually some added butter (fat), flour, and some spices, cooked until it reduces and thickens. What is it you think gravy is made from?
Well, really, the only long term strategy for weight management is to not eat things like gravy, which is essentially concentrated fat and calories. The myth is that you can eat what you want and still lose weight. That’s why people on diets are constantly yo-yo-ing. WW is a scam—the point system is essentially a…
You can’t make it out clearly, but there are words near the snakes: “Don’t tread on me.” !! lol so funny.
OK, I had to buy this. It was $65 but the laughs at xmas dinner will be so worth it! Sorry for donating to his campaign, but he won’t win anyway. ho ho ho, don’t tread on me, yo! #cruzforlaughs2016