Vitamin V

Our First Lady is fucking awesome. Anyone who disagrees can suck it.

Wow, guy from 80’s TV show’s son is a hottie!

Yeah, whatcha gotta do there is ya right-clickity and do a save as and then ya save it to ur C drive and then ya navigate to that location and ya right-clickity again and choose ur “open with” option and then ya choose “Paint” but that’s if ur on a PC ‘cause on a Mac ya choose—ahhh can ya hold ‘cause I gotta nother

(they’re also distant cousins)

So the question is why rich kids can handle a hep outbreak by bringing in food from outside and not working and $7.50/hr workers and their $10/hr managers can’t? Let me get back to you on that.

Or, “but he only came on my leg” pregnant. lol

LOL They told me clearly that the plane is not equipped to land with people in it—no restraints—so there was only one way back to the ground, and it was out the door from 15k feet up.

OMG. I didn’t even think they would allow you to dive alone the first time. Oh, maybe with the chute connected to the plane so that it automatically deploys? That might make sense. Totally agree—you want to go tandum.

I jumped (twice) from 15,000 feet, so we had a full 60 seconds of free fall. The first time was a blur because I was unsure what to expect; the second time I was totally present and enjoyed it. One thing that I don’t think you mentioned is that there is no feeling a falling during free fall. Without anything around

Totes. I once made the mistake of saying, among some family members with whom I do not share political affiliation, that the Obamas are our Kennedys—JFK and Jackie. That went over well.

Sure you didn’t know anything about it. *wink* We believe you.

No. I listened and heard vague platitudes. She needs to get in the game big time or we’re going to end up with a right-wing nutjob for president. Bernie is not going to win and Hillary is not capturing even her own base at this point. You may disagree, but I’m not the only Dem saying that, so as with all things, there

LOL Have YOU watched her interviews? What did you think? If you came away thinking “this is an honest person who understands what the general public needs and in interested in” then you’re on crack. I watched her on Sunday on Meet the Press and she has nothing to say about policy or her views on anything. She’s

Yup. Totally there with ya! She’s a shady limousine liberal. I will vote for her if there is no alternative, but I do not like her anymore. She’s completely clueless about how people perceive her and has no ability to connect with voters from way up in her ivory tower.

LOL I’m following you just for that headline! It’s funny ‘cause it’s true.

Ahhh, yes. The old “that doesn’t work here,” sometimes “we’ve tried that before and it doesn’t work.” One of the many ways people who have been in the same job too long keep the new blood from making change that they are desperately afraid of.

“... I was welcomed into the company for my digital expertise and energy, then given no resources, accommodations or support to actually put those assets to work.”

This is the scariest thing of all. The ability to split one’s self in two to justify doing something you’re publicly condemning. It’s not unusual at all—i.e. republicans having gay sex, using drugs, cheating on their spouses—but it’s indicative of a psychological issue that seems is at the crux of extremism.

Rage menstruate. That made me lol for realz! Stars ★★★★★★★★★★★