I know your pain, however I’ve found emotional cheating a lot more unbearable than the sexual. I can very easily seperate love/commitment and sex, but I can’t so easily parse love/commitment and ongoing flirtation.
I know your pain, however I’ve found emotional cheating a lot more unbearable than the sexual. I can very easily seperate love/commitment and sex, but I can’t so easily parse love/commitment and ongoing flirtation.
No way, if you watch most of his more stuff, you’ll find he’s openly randy. He was singing the praises of Grindr on A guest spot on Top Gear and other places before he got married. Which makes all the more charming.
Are you me?
Definitely the moment I kick myself for not making up an excuse and staying home.
This looks funny, what is it?
Oh my god, this video is a total Mike Judgeian nightmare. This is satire, right?
I understand perfectly well that we already do this, and the accumulating effect of that is a large part of what is underwriting the 6th mass extinction (the holocene extinction) which is happening as you read this. Like I mentioned before, species used to have somewhere to retreat to until habitat conditions changed…
Oh my God, this guy right? “We could lose 98% of species and be fine”. Jesus Christ on a motherfucking cracker.
Excuse me, what are your qualifications that would substantiate this analysis?
Oh my god, you are so massively ill-informed, it’s absolutely criminal you are spewing this fucking bullshit. I don’t even know where to start.
No need to drag reuse and recycling here.
There hasn’t been a death from a spider bite in Oz for 30 years. I live in the bush, it’s really hard to get attacked by any of these things unless you’re actively seeking it.
But the jars are in a room, right?
Also the way those two hundred eggs are being packed and transported..... Yikes
Do it. So easy to take are of, and chicken life is endlessly entertaining. You won’t know why you haven’t always done it.
If she’s taking in 200 extras, I’d say at least 40 if they were all laying daily. That’s pretty crazy.
This just made me wonder where Octo-mom is today....
I don’t watch this show, but was that Eileen Davidson AKA Kristen Dimera from DOOL??? Why isn’t she the star of this?
you bastard.