
The herd needs to be culled...

100% agree

I know! Has she been nominated yet for this role? And if so, why not? I feel like this show is extremely underrated. I don’t live in the US though, maybe more people are into it there?

I was so worried about that! I get the feeling her time is limited too. Kim Wexler is probably my favourite character in a television show right now and I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.

it boggles the mind

girl has skills?

Not wearing shoes in nice weather is a longstanding cultural thing in Australia, especially on the coast or in rural areas. You can go grocery shopping without them. Its really not a big a deal. No one I know of has gotten sick from it, and most people are smart enough to know where it would actually be risky or

I like the way your brain works... 

OMG vas ist das??? I’m too lazy to google image search but I want to be watching it now.

I had to remind myself at least twice I wasn’t drunk while trying to read this.

Is this girl not pulling a Rachel Denzel? Why is she not dragged for it??? I keep waiting for someone to call her out on it, because her look is getting so far fetched.

I run an after-school diversionary program for severely disadvantaged at-risk youth in remote desert communities. We build dirt bmx tracks and teach boys and girls to put together bikes donated from copshops and maintain them from stuff the tip. One of these tacky trinkets would give a whole school of outback kids

Being named after this song and a MASSIVE princess bride fan, I am super cool with this.

When I was little someone burnt down the house of a gay couple down the street from me . This would have been the late 1980's, in a very American middle class suburban neighborhood.

Why is one of these stimuli not“warm spots”? These researchers obviously have no real understanding of the subjects.

Also extreme trampolines.

I miss Carl so hard lately. It’s not fair.

Anyone in America worried about the possibility this might be used in the future to uh.... keep people in as well? I always think this about walls/fences.

We read the same article, but I read the quote you pulled incorrectly, mentally skipping the crucial “not” in the question, which changes some of my feelings on her position, and your reaction, and my reaction to your reaction. I apologize. I doubt she’s going to buy a yacht with the profit off that book though....

I don’t think thats what she’s saying at all though. She is explicit in defining her idea of feminism as one that actively works to overthrows exploitative, hierarchical economic, social, and cultural systems, not props them up.