
Follow that shit up (after two weeks or so) it’s not annoying (unless you do it everyday) it shows you are a tenacious go-getter. If in fact they hire someone who then doesn’t work out, they will definitely think of you straight away. I’m a essentially a contractor who contracts and I wouldn’t get jobs nor find good

You should tell your dad what goes around comes around. That’s not about “fairness”, that’s about ripping people off based on their sense of self worth (or his perceptions of). Sounds like the argument made by multi-millionare CEO’s justifying the below living wages for entry-level and manual workers. Pretty

So you’re saying you got the same thing?

I said this in another part of the comments, but I was thinking Dualing Banjos.

I was totally thinking Dueling Banjos.

Momentarily restores my faith in the powers of the Internet to connect strangers in a positive, constructive way. Maybe we should meet here again in 10 years to check our progress.

Forgetting to drink as many glasses of water as I do beer or wine.

Wow, that is really one of the most uplifting and theraputic things anyone has said to me in awhile. Thank you so much for the time you took to write it, I will seriously print this out and stick it on my office wall when I get back from the desert.

So I can ensure my local bookshop can pay people in my neighborhood a living wage on living hours so they can continue to contribute to our community in positive ways (by the way they typically order in and you can resell used)? To not support the expansion and permanent entrenchment of an industrial workplace system

Oh thank you, thank you wise sage. Please tell me more about your womanly travels and coming to terms with yourself. That sounds cheeky, but I really mean it. As a self-employed (32 year old) who has chased happiness/careers across continents, I have major gaps in certain kinds of close relationships, and one of the

As an individual who watches porn on the regular and has had more partners than I can count on fingers or toes, my sage advice to the next generation is this: Pride and Predjudice was the sexiest book I’ve ever read, hands down.

I wonder how you are meant to get any good if it’s just hump and dump em? Is it possible to actually develop skills if your sex life has its own ADHD?

That's nothing to be ashamed of. You forgot eggs, though. I live in Australia now and just told my partner its an American cultural thing.


Early to mid twenties extential crisis is a rite of passage for most thinking women. If you embrace it, you'll learn a lot of really interesting and important things about yourself and your relationship to the universe. You'll come out the end of it (there is an end of it) feeling much more enlightened and sure of

So you are a "good" person and do the "right" thing because you want to, or because you feel like you have to for some reason? This good person stuff sounds a bit more like an image you are exerting a lot of effort to to maintain than who you actually are.

I made this comment somewhere else, but I had an acquaintance who very actively made a play for my partner. She was very much aware of our situation (5 years together, me in my final stages of a permanent residency visa based on our relationship). Fortunately he didn't bite, but what hurts me to this day is that

This is absolutely why I can't get on board with okaying this kind of selfish assholery. In anyways shape or form. What kind of person is proud of breaking up a family, or actively seeks to do so? I had an acquaintance who went full kamikaze for my partner in the final stages of my permanent residency visa being


Not defending him at all, but I have, and so do other people I know that suffer from it. Sorry, bleed from eczema scratching that is. Especially when I was a kid, it was a nightmare and terribly embarrassing.