
You know what, i’m glad they had that discussion. I was on the fence about if this guy was in support of rape or thought woman should be treated as objects. Thank god the AVC cleared up that pressing issue. I can’t wait to read if Ryan Reynolds is in favor of sexual assault in the upcoming interviews for Deadpool!

So I think Twitter’s actually become… I mean, my honest opinion, I think Twitter is a detriment to society. I do.

It’s just one of those little reminders of how exhausting it must be to have some person constantly over your shoulder, following you for each and every one of these things, parsing every word that comes out of you and the interviewer, coiled, ready to jump in with a corrective if anything should stray from the

Seems pretty shitty of you guys asking him to comment on someone elses allegations. Very tabloid like

Is it though? Because its one thing to take a genuine interest in other peoples viewpoints and opinions (which media outlets used to do to some degree) and quite another to lead someone down a road just to see how well they stumble.

I dunno, I thought his rambling reaction was quite human.

Haha yeah, why on earth would an actor want to talk about the movie he’s there to discuss when instead he can be probed about the same old shit to make sure he conforms perfectly to the current mindset! Disappointed they didn’t ask him about his opinions on trans people to be honest..

Nice mid way bait attempt their AVC, don’t forget to let everyone know just how morally superior you are. You go girl.

Thomas Middleditch starring in the new AV Club Interview Series: “Is *This* Your Landmine?”

If he knew he was buying fake followers, that’s an ethical red line that he shouldn’t have crossed.

I fail to see what he did wrong. It seems on par with getting hair transplants. Who gives a shit?

I’m all for making fun of the guy online, but I’m not sure that I agree that buying followers deserves any consequences beyond being laughed at. Am I missing something here?

This is ridiculous. People should be roasted online for buying followers. And thats it.

Good things happen to bad people all the time. Bad things happen to good people all the time.

The Social Network deserved that award. And David Fincher deserved that win.

Whenever Sean isn't writing the Newswire, all of the commenters need to be asking "Where's Sean?"

"That sort of codependent, love-hate relationship existed between artist and audience long before the internet, of course. But “Poochie” presciently captured the way recaps, comment boards, live-tweeting, and all the other modern facets of online fandom in early bloom would soon multiply and embolden those angry

Sean O'Neal needs to be louder and angrier.

We're talking about the original comment system from hell!

Worse. Kinja'd.