
No. You have a soul.

No. My boss is obsessed with them, and she’s in her 50s. You’re good.

I am 32 years old. And I own three plush minions. The ones from the original Despicable Me movie.

My boss loves Minions. She had us get Happy Meals last week so she could add to her Minions collection. It’ll probably happen again this week, and again until she’s got them all. Unfortunately she already had the one that I got in my meal, so now I have my own yellow piece of plastic that yells “BANCAKES!”

Sweet Monkey Jesus.

She is not saying look at that ass, she is just saying that she is not built like a man. What that troll tweeted is typical of what strong black women have deal with and that they can never been seen as feminine. Her tweet before was about how she is an amazing woman and a role model and that troll injected saying it

Well Done JK!

Duh, you can’t let Trump get in the way of world peace.

Most of Reddit is like most of humanity - sometimes incredible, sometimes a jerk, but generally ok. Unfortunately there are bastions of asshole on Reddit, even in places where it doesn’t belong (I’m looking at your /r/woodworking). Gawker likes to wallow in the asshole corners and then make it seem like that’s the sum

She may be terrible, but this petition is the worst way of going about getting her fired. Reddit is already 1 step above a rabid mob. I can’t imagine the Reddit executive board wants to give any sort of appearance that they listen to the whims of their users when it comes to employment decisions.

Reddit is more than creepers and upskirt photos. There are several feminist subreddits thriving on the site. I get that the stuff that hits the front page is often mouth breather fare, but that hardly represents what Reddit is.

It’s annoying when people who have valid criticisms and complaints instead resort to racism or misogyny (or etc) rather than actually arguing their position. It’s like, you had a point, but now I can’t take you seriously because you appear to be a horrible person. :/

We certainly wouldn’t want to encourage women to learn about robots and how they work now would we. No way that would ever be something that would benefit society.

So...what, they’re doing their impressions of their favourite confederate soldiers?

those are some pretty good butts tho

Increased anecdotal evidence

Where are they getting that they don’t have a choice? They all have a choice. Don’t want to vaccinate your kids when you don’t have a good reason for it? You are free to do so. They don’t get to go to public schools, though.

So cleary Rob Schneider is known for being one of the finest idiots in New York. For those who aren’t Home Alone 2 savy, he plays the bellhop.

So nobody really worth caring about, nice!