
I really can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or ignorant. Or you are not a female in the 20-40 age years range.

She may not be the best, but some of the stuff she says is golden.

I don’t understand this. Are their ad campaigns written by people who have never seen or known a woman? How hard it is to get a female focus group for a product geared for and sold to females??!!



Agree. Tongue Scrapper + Smart Mouth, and no bad breath.

Agree. Tongue Scrapper + Smart Mouth, and no bad breath.

It’s not really working

It’s not really working

I use Smart Mouth and it is leaps and bounds ahead of Listerine. I use Rembrandt Whitening mouth wash as well, which has fluoride, but it has a stinging sensation. I also use ACT’s alcohol free cinnamon flavored fluoride mouthwash. Yes I have all three. I use Smart Mouth and ACT everyday (one in the morning, the other

I use Smart Mouth and it is leaps and bounds ahead of Listerine. I use Rembrandt Whitening mouth wash as well, which

Alcohol doesn’t kill germ and bacteria. The alcohol content in Listerine isn’t strong enough to do so. If that were so, everytime we drank alcohol, we would need to have probiotics

Alcohol doesn’t kill germ and bacteria. The alcohol content in Listerine isn’t strong enough to do so. If that were

Did you mean general physician is a woman, or your urologist is a woman? Please specify

Any OBG who gives your unsolicited opinions that are biased and not evidence based, please try to report them, or let the staff know. Such biased comments are not welcome in healthcare.

I wished that “Republicans are very very uncomfortable about sex “ that they STOP having sex.

Can we introduce a bill that sues men for pregnating women without their consent?

Donate it to Planned Parenthood who hold screening visits, or to your local oncology centers.

Nope. Only less than 5% goes to research etc. The rest goes to the CEO. If you love filling the CEO’s pockets, keep buying their pink shit.

I don’t understand. How does this help spread awareness? Aren’t people aware of Breast cancer? Are they aware of their risk factors, screening tests etc? Money should go towards screening and research. How do these pictures help fund screening or research?

Or she may want to drink it at a later time

So many Indians fly from Dubai to US, or other places. That stewardess, whether she knew languages or not, just acted like an asshole.

What is wrong with that woman? Why does she keep looking/staring at him that way?

I was always counteract them with if the Big Pharma wants to make Big money, they want you to get sick BIG time because there is Big money in drugs as opposed to vaccinations. They would prefer you to NOT have vaccinations.

I think this is what probably happened. Or maybe vaccinations stored/transported improperly.