
Yeah, does HIPAA allow for a concierge service to know that much about you?

Fatter wheels are more durable? That’s just silly.

As a tire expert, I agree with the premise of this article.

Looks like a fun project for a useful winter beater!

I didn’t see one of these pieces of mail that was free of grammar or spelling errors... Do you ever get well-written angry letters? I am starting to think I’m the only one who ever writes angry emails with proper grammar and spelling.

Man, you really were born for this, eh?

idk, those cheeks look awful rosy...

More like “hasn’t added a meatless burger BACK to the menu” considering all that non-meat filler shit they used to use.

and the winner fights trump


Nancy, just sit down.

If you’re complaining about “PC culture” then chances are incredibly high you’re a douche, an asshole, or both.

On windows, you just need to know about alt codes.

medical writers do the writing FOR the doctors, for the reason you just cited

holy shit, I think you just found my future career.

uncured pork belly”

Sounds like the hunt for an elevator key in a 1-story building lolol

did you ever figure this out? 

Crackpipe. Call it 20k and I’m in. 

...or hackers?