
Fatter wheels are more durable? That’s just silly.

As a tire expert, I agree with the premise of this article.

Looks like a fun project for a useful winter beater!

I didn’t see one of these pieces of mail that was free of grammar or spelling errors... Do you ever get well-written angry letters? I am starting to think I’m the only one who ever writes angry emails with proper grammar and spelling.

and for the time, the world was just a little bit better place...

Man, you really were born for this, eh?

idk, those cheeks look awful rosy...

Suuurrrre, it was a malfunction and not someone who didn’t want UAE to have a spy satellite in orbit...

More like “hasn’t added a meatless burger BACK to the menu” considering all that non-meat filler shit they used to use.

I think he prefers an actual holocaust. 

15-20 years ago

and the winner fights trump


Nancy, just sit down.

If you’re complaining about “PC culture” then chances are incredibly high you’re a douche, an asshole, or both.

On windows, you just need to know about alt codes.

medical writers do the writing FOR the doctors, for the reason you just cited

holy shit, I think you just found my future career.

uncured pork belly”

basic understanding of censorship