
for 12k, it’s gotta be a joke, because no juke that old should cost that much.

This is why you’re my favorite.

Closest thing to IRL podracing is drone racing.

Aztec? No?

reverse racism is real, it’s just being racist toward one’s own race.

More like this. Love it.

or maybe trying really hard to repress her inner homosexuality

How about “always use a reliable, properly calibrated pressure gauge”

“The benefits of draining the oil this way are manifold.”

cost! I just wanna know if I’ll be able to afford it so I can retire my JK on 37" tires from its DD duty and use a Gladiator to tow it!

could just be thin skin... airsoft really doesn’t hurt that badly, even at velocity. it’s a quick sting. sure, when you don’t expect it (you know, in a SCHOOL) then it stings a bit, but calling them “injured” is laughable.


Basically, Patrick needs to give you a couple days off to wrench.

Being a jerk to cops isn’t recommended, sure, but it certainly doesn’t give the cop to seek retribution for having received jerkiness. That sounds like an abuse of power. Citizens can’t detain police for being rude or racist, so they have no right to detain us for being rude, no matter how fragile the ego.

So you turned it from an Aspire into a late model Escape?

DUDE I did that last year while rebuilding a trailer that was in about the same condition as your DJ when you got it.

Thank you for deciding not to run in 2020!

5 bullets enter house

Post a link to it on amazon with a call to downrate it into oblivion?

Do y’all have someone that checks for grammar, spelling, and typo mistakes? Sheesh.