I don't really care, but...

Funny, a limited edition genius super hacker that cant spell.

“Theres only 9 of us in the world.” lol and probably the age of OP. You wouldn’t also happen to be a top of your class in the Navy Seals, and involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, have over 300 confirmed kills, and are trained in gorilla warfare as well?

Interesting that “dicks” is the choice of aspersion. By the very act of calling this “small time,” even though it refers to the judge in this case, it also minimizes both judicial abuse and the victim’s situation and initial complaint. Further, Seminole County, Florida, is the wealthy bedroom community for the

You beat me. I was born in the fall of 1962 and remember specifically the RFK assassination (live) and the Democrat convention riots in 1968. I remember Vietnam on TV but not knowing what was really going on. I thought we were still fighting the Japanese in WWII.

First actual news story — Apollo 1 burning up on the launch pad during a test, killing 3 astronauts in early ‘67.


Interesting that the Redskins and Braves both have reservations about other people taking what’s their’s.