Lol, where are you getting these percentages from...
Lol, where are you getting these percentages from...
You believe that 10% of all women that Bill Clinton had sex with was actually rape? Can you translate that to raw numbers? 1, 10, 50 women he has raped?
This is fascinating! I’ve never met anyone who knows enough about Bill Clinton’s sex life to be able to declare that “a solid 10%” of all of his sexual encounters were rape. If he had a lot of sex, that’s also a lot of rape. May I ask the source of your data on that? Surely you wouldn’t make a statement like this…
You must have some reasonably sane drivers on your commute. If I tried leaving a gap that large between me and the next guy, 5-7 cars would immediately pass and merge into the space.
NBC= No Black Champions?
No, it’s really you. The fact that you are so sure of something that you are ignorant of, and in fact, proud of that ignorance, is what’s wrong with America.
That’s specious reasoning. “I have a rock that keeps tigers away. You don’t see any tigers around here, do you?”.
I hope everyone that read this hot take protected their eyes with sunglasses
I've got a new word for you: anecdotal
Not sometimes, a lot of the time. The laws around divorce and custody are heavily biased against men. Something that feminists should be fighting against if they really are for equality. But we all know they’re not which is why we never see an organized feminist effort to gain equality in a scenario where men are the…
This is Jezebel. It’s the blog version of that mean girl in highschool that pretended to be progressive and all “save the whales” but was actually a petty, small-minded bitch who cut down others.
It’s jezebel and he’s a dude. That’s usually enough reason to shit on him.
Interesting that “dicks” is the choice of aspersion. By the very act of calling this “small time,” even though it refers to the judge in this case, it also minimizes both judicial abuse and the victim’s situation and initial complaint. Further, Seminole County, Florida, is the wealthy bedroom community for the…
You beat me. I was born in the fall of 1962 and remember specifically the RFK assassination (live) and the Democrat convention riots in 1968. I remember Vietnam on TV but not knowing what was really going on. I thought we were still fighting the Japanese in WWII.
First actual news story — Apollo 1 burning up on the launch pad during a test, killing 3 astronauts in early ‘67.
Interesting that the Redskins and Braves both have reservations about other people taking what’s their’s.