I Don't Mean It

Kevin K, you are now Kevin D. As in, Kevin Dillman.

Silky is one of the least likable personalities in Drag Race herstory

How many times does Elvira have to be on the show before somebody realizes that she would be a perfect Snatch Game choice? C’mon, queens watching at home, she’s fabulous!

Brooke Lynn in no way should have won. Her first look was well-executed toilet paper... but it was just a mummy en pointe. Nothing new or interesting to me. Her monster outfit with just a snake wrapped aroudn her? How the fuck is that a monster? She was just a woman in a dress with a snake around her neck and a cane.

Great username! How’s 1995?

Just started the episode and haven’t read the review yet, but alREADY over Ra’jah. Considering skipping this episode altogether if she keeps up her crap.

A first season that was six episodes long. (Same with Office US.) Usually I tell friends to give an episode four episodes of whatever to lock in the groove, particularly US sitcoms.

Maybe they are saving Alanis Morrisette to have her play god

Me can think of no better tribute to O’Neal’s career than one last Big Red No.

Jesus. If only I had some kind of way to express how I feel about ... wait a minute! Something’s coming back to me! Something I used to enjoy!

I really don’t think that lack of distinction is what is leading to this kind of hostility. It might help, but it might also help if people could just chill the fuck out about a god damned television show. 

I know LSFYL gimmicks are dead at this point, but Aquaria’s flash paper intro (followed by one of the most energetically impressive lipsyncs I’ve seen, maybe ever) was so fucking cool.

The reason Asia has been covering her face is because someone threatened to burn her alive out of racist hatred. She gave a quote in an interview saying she is covering her face to make a statement that she is not being seen as a person, and highlighting that by not letting herself be seen.

My main issue is that you and RuPaul are still projecting onto these specific queens feelings of inadequacy and inner saboteurs that some of these queens might not have. I’m talking about within the context of the challenge, the way RuPaul went about asking people to bear their souls about themselves on national TV to

This is some essentialist bullshit. Yes, growing up gay is hard (trust me as someone who did it with a mother and step-father deep in my hometown’s Republican politics/NRA and a father and sister who are born-again), but it doesn’t necessarily translate into the sort of self-destructive inner saboteur, Velvet-Ragey,

This episode was a hot mess.

I live out of hotels 5 days a week 40 weeks a year and my expense account doesn’t allow for fancy restaurants everyday...sometimes you want something quick and cheap and knowing the calories helps guide ones choices.

Plenty of them are. They go to McDonald’s because it’s cheap and convenient and doesn’t taste awful. Prepared food should have nutrition listed just like food at the supermarket.

Hey A.V. Club why not give us back Superstore reviews in the style of the Gotham mini writeups please?

Avoid cotton/ poly blend fabrics. In my experience, no matter how much care you take with them, these fabrics always pill and look shabby after 2-3 washes. You see them a lot in T-shirts, but also dress shirts and even jeans.