This is my 7547854th burner account

Wait, who's being political?

“Battery powered aircraft are either going to require a revolution in the field, with a greater improvement over lithium batteries than they were over half a century and a half old lead-acid batteries, or a drastic change in the way air travel for functions”

Yeah, why would we stop using a product that’s killing us now, when we can just keep killing ourselves and wait until something better comes along?

First - if you want our aviation industry, especially the military, to be on the cutting edge, the NASA is the only one to get us there. When we want to do something extreme, NASA leads the way. Why? Because only a government organization can go where there is no data and provide the data that will either prove or

I thought all the crap you drop gets stuck on the skidplate under the engine... At least that’s what happens with my Volvo.

I have a Tesla Model S P85, and I live in Oregon, where about 20% of our electricity is derived from coal. You can also select an option from the power company to buy electricity from renewable sources only.

Farts, it comes from farts

“The report also said there was low visibility and the pilot was flying low”

Enthusiastic NP. I’m actually very surprised he’s not asking double. He might not get double, but if this were mine, I wouldn’t start my price at lower than $4,000 and see how things go.

Typical Camry driver.

Wow! It looks like Alissa Walker’s wet dream!

My XJ Cherokee’s hood doesn’t always catch on the driver’s side and I have to grab the linkage to get that latch to grab. Luckily, not only is there also a passenger side latch on all ‘87-’01 XJ’s as well as a center catch once you pop the (rather heavy) hood.

I WAS doing a burnout when I JUST BOUGHT the car while at the Mustang Anniversary car show in Portland - the PSI was off in the tires and I BARELY hit a curb, will need a new rim, tire, control arm, bushings, axle, bearing and front lip.


I’m pretty proud of making this. Disregard the watermark.

This person is a fellow citizen of voting age? God help us all.

Miata, Rx8 before that, and a Jeep XJ before that.

true.. cant argue that...

Miata...with an AT...