Somewhere Rob Deer is pondering why the Brewers let him walk. Just kidding, Rob Deer never knew what a walk was.
Somewhere Rob Deer is pondering why the Brewers let him walk. Just kidding, Rob Deer never knew what a walk was.
why does it look like they’re promoting the next Avatar movie?
I was pretty impressed at how unsinkable Edelman’s confidence was (even if it was just a projection); dude was relentlessly optimistic about coming back from 28-3.
I want to be clear, I don’t like George Lopez and I think the joke sucks, but unless comedians are doing crowd work, comedians are going to shut down any and all crowd interruptions. Lopez was only concerned with not losing the room, so he said what he thought he had to in order to keep the crowd on his side. Was his…
Can’t wait for Mark Wahlberg to play Edelman in the movie version. The ball will be voiced by Seth MacFarlane.
It’s unnerving how calm both Edelman and Poole are when discussing such an important play in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl. I can’t tell if it’s evidence that the players see themselves as just doing their job or it’s proof they’re worlds better than the average person.
Dammit, never posting again from work.
As I was saying, off the top of my head:
-Man who thinks Entourage is a how-to video
-Newest Delta Tau Chi pledge
-University of Arizona graduate and functional illiterate
-Lacrosse bro patient zero
-Reincarnated Chris Farley
-Guy who volunteers for atomic sit-ups
There’s, like, a 40% chance this is also the way Wrestlemania 37 goes off the air.
when people say “Boston is a racist city” (for context, i’m from here and i agree that Boston is a racist city), they don’t mean that people who are from Boston are racist. yes, there are racists in Boston, and yes there are some areas of Boston that are less than friendly if you’re not a white, Irish guy, but on a…
Good try, wrong guy though. I sat on those freezing cold bleachers as a kid during the Foxboro Stadium and Sullivan Stadium days. It was cold, dark and ugly. Just like the city of Philadelphia.
Josh Beckett and the beer & chicken crew would like to remind you of how Boston treats lazy white players.
You’re a Philly fan and you have the audacity to talk about Boston being a racist town full of bad fans? Philadelphia has the worst sports fan base in the country and all of your teams suck hopelessly. Philly was home to one of the pound for pound greatest boxers in history in Joe Louis. He was also a civil rights…
As an outside observer, Boston seems to like athletes of all races as long as they are good. If they are bad, it is probably worse to be black, but not by much because Boston Sports are the primary focus of Massholes.
Another very poorly written sentence. Are you starring your own comments? Isn’t that the first Kinja Commandment: Thou shalt not star one’s own comment
The math teacher in me is like, reduce your fucking fraction, but the joke part of me is like, yes, go with this.
Yup, because no one in Boston likes David Ortiz at all...
“Rob Gronkowski, who gained his powers after he was accidentally left behind during a government test of a nuclear sacktap..”
Is this the movie poster for Rocky IV Loko?
See, it’s funny because mouth sex