
You are cuckboy baced on the number of people starring me and flat out schooling you. And Nike and ESPN had nothing to do with him owning a ton of NBA records, nor had anything to do with his 6 titles and 6 Finals MVPs you stupid cunt.

Yes, anytime a POC feels victimized by Whitey it is 100% factual...even if audio or video eventually prove otherwise, they’ll simply move on to yet another story of pity.

Sure he didn’t:

Don’t worry, black people make up the smallest % of minority students at Yale, save your outrage race-baiter.

This happens in EVERY predominantly black area regardless of income (think DC and ATL), yet there is NOWHERE NEAR the same amount of violent crime in predominantly poor white areas (of which make up the largest population of poor and homeless nationwide btw).

Swift writes and composes most if not all of her songs (hence her multiple Songwriter of the Year awards), outsells Beyonce and her tours sell more tickets. There isn’t a soul that thinks Beyonce rights deep, meaningful music by herself and she wouldn’t even KNOW what to do with a musical instrument, nor put together

Let’s be honest, she isn’t even as good as Janet Jackson...who was dominant only a decade ago. Ask someone with a general knowledge of music what “hits” she has and they’ll say “Single Ladies”, Irreplaceable”, “Halo”, “Crazy in Love”, and “If I Were a Boy” with maybe a passing knowledge of a few more if listened to.

Don’t stop being dumb, you’re good at it.

Considering one was a center and the other a shooting guard, you have confirmed that you are an absolute dipshit.

Dude, shut the fuck up.

Best thing I ever did!

Best thing I ever did!

Jordan Knight was at my gym one time Early 2000s) walking on a treadmill and then trying different pieces of equipment, walking around hoping someone would recognize him...kinda sad.

Beyonce has THREE TIMES as many Grammys as Prince...three. times. as. many.

Oh Jesus Christ, uh hello?? Does Lauren Hill ring a bell? Maybe Alicia Keys? Janet Jackson?!

Really, so who the fuck voted him league MVP twice and SB MVP four times you dumb bitch? You do realize that it isn’t voted on by “a bunch of CTE-ridden retired players”, right Chrissy?? It’s football writers, broadcasters, Assoc. Press and UPI!! Who was runner-up this year and last year for league MVP? You think

Looks like someone didn’t bother to follow the case or read witness statements. His OWN FRIEND stated that he refused orders to get on the sidewalk instead of walking in the middle of the street, dummy. See you don’t get it, the public doesn’t get to decide when or how they want to follow laws, or whether or not they

As I stated earlier, overwhelming DNA evidence put OJ at the crime scene, and all the defense had to do was invite doubt as to how it got there to get him off. Yet there was no significant DNA of Amanda Knox at her crime scene, yet an abundance of it for Rudy Guede and she was originally jailed.

Not denying that, the OP and others were acting as if these guys were railroaded. They simply committed assault on 4 others and per the prosecution might have been in the area of this victim, but DNA directly correlated to another individual.

You can settle down with one, because legally once married they are dead inside.