
I’m not so sure. Will more women married to/in relationships with athletes be reluctant to come forward in order to preserve the job/income? Should genuine remorse be considered when reinstating? Should the more hardline penalties be saved for repeat offenders? It is not as easy a decision as you make it out to be.

+1 for the explanation

-1 for that taking away my excuse for just claiming this was a tie-in to the boat party with Odell

+1 (on the rocks)

Tom Brady is not a kicker

Knock. knock.

I love Beyonce, but I feel like this is way too much. I feel like she is way over correcting this time around because of all the stupid nonsense about Blue Ivy.

Pretty sure you mean to take away from this.

That pic is something to be embarrazzed twice over about.

I’m rooting for Purple Urkle

this is a distraction.

I’m trying to think of a photo more pretentious and just plain badly shot than this one. Nothing comes to mind.

Love Beyoncé but that photo is cheesy. Like she and her high school friends snuck into a cemetery and crashed the flowers at a new grave and added the veil for extra creepiness.

Good for them, babies are great. That photo, though....that’s pretty fucking awkward.

Not true a all. Cohesive silicone is very popular, especially with smaller/thinner woman bc less chance of rippling. The only drawback is it tends to be more expensive than saline.

Jezebel keeps telling me Chris Brown is a Nuanced Personality (TM), because although he seems to be an abusive misogynist and possibly a psychopath he’s also hawt and comes from Circumstances. So I just don’t know what to think!

Little Man Hits Fragile Woman to Feel Big

Eh, he’s out spending dumb money in Park City, someone more deserving ends up with that money. He tips the wait staff on dinner trips, someone more deserving gets the money, etc. As long as he’s spending him dumb, unearned money someone more deserving, almost by definition, gets the money. I live 20 mins away and

Karrueche needs to hurry up and play this at the hearing when she files her restraining order.

The one thing a moist fart is good for is telling me pooping is imminent.