
...or become president.

...dude, you’re posting on an internet site about how hard you work.

Just when I thought we’d seen enough Atlanta Falcons articles with the word “offensive” in them...

I don’t believe in hitting wome...yeah, ya know what fuck that...

That’s a rough looking 13.

Hey everyone, misogny is fun!!

?? So if you hate something then the issue is with yourself? So if I hate spinach or xenophobia...I have issues I need to resolve?

...maybe you are then if you keep repeating this?? she autistic?

Of course you did, bitterness does that.

...because he is.

He owns their contract, so YES by default he does own them. The owner of the company also has a code of conduct that they must follow, if not they are gone.

Not necessarily true, if Bennett said he hated gays, dude would be gone tomorrow. Or if he made racist statements, owner can fire him under conduct policy.

And those skilled players are some of the best in the NFL: Brady, Gronk, Edelman, Gostkowski.

...maybe because POCs immediately initiate violence over the most inane things? Maybe because you lack the self-control to have a dialog but instead resort to animalistic tendencies to “resolve” your issues? I’d link to the TONS of Youtube or Worldstar videos but you’d simply dismiss or ignore them...much like the

Not sure, but I know at the end of OT he deflated alot of hearts in Atlanta!

*not suspended for rule breaking btw

I like Chesney, also Keith Urban. Heck I also like Jack Johnson so that is probably the trifecta for uncool artists that everyone says are shitty!