
What irresponsible, trashy journalism from both HuffPo (not surprising, Yashar Ali is an attention-seeking opportunist) and Jezebel. If you actually examine the contract, which this article lazily chose not to do, you would see exactly where Chalamet and his lawyers might think he is not allowed to criticize Allen and

You know, I’m all for the witch hunt when it means actually going after the perverts/harassers/abusers. But the with hunt of everyone else for being ‘complicit’ is fucking ridiculous and is just going to end up backfiring. Plus, going after everyone means people stop caring and just tune out the noise.

And yet the Huffington Post article shows the very clause he was referring to at the bottom of their article. And lets be clear, he doesn’t review contracts, he is told what’s in them by his representation.

The bulk of his statement is so right-on, in my view that I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt on the “contractual obligation” business. Maybe a misunderstanding, or he’s not explaining something right? I dunno.

He’s 22 and quite newly famous I’d cut him some slack. The entire cast of Wonder Wheel are all quite established and making excuses which is really unforgivable. He might be a little late, but he did the right thing with this.

Totally. This kid has neither the bank account, nor the established career (though he probably will) as any of the above. And yet.

you don’t think he’s feeling the good vibrations?

That was an absolutely straight-faced quote about rape.

Also Morena Baccarin is most notable for Inara on Firefly

I don’t disagree with your premise. The only reason I even have to hear about TS’s existence is because I read gossip sites and don’t listen to pop stations, so it isn’t like you can’t escape her. And I loved her testimony and counter-suit with that gross radio guy. I also think that the songs choruses are not similar

Because it doesn’t bother us?

Man this hits so close to home. Life isn’t bad as a single person, but I’m in my early thirties and I’ve never had a long-term relationship. I have tried to fix everything that people have told me is wrong with me. I have dated and dated and dated. I’ve put myself out there to the point I’ve had to rebuild my

I am 60 years old. In case it helps, I’m going to tell you what I know.

It dings when there’s stuff.

Spider-Man. Twice.....

There have been times when I have told myself that I need better friends, but I had no idea how much better my friends could be.

Alabama shows it has a tiny amount of basic human decency left by not electing a child molester to the Sentate by the thinnest of margins.

Hahaha that is one of my favorite episodes of Parks and Rec.