
Gotta say Goop’s costume is one of my favorites this year.

Anyone else think Ellie Goulding is channeling Pandora Boxx more than she is Dolly Parton?

Most of these aren’t that good?

There are stories on the Internet that are posted many times. Often presented as being about the poster.

What is “BLM land”???? Is it Black Lives Matter land?? What is that?

Yep that jumped out at me so much that I cringed. Then again, maybe she really is recanting some of the beautiful nuances of her family’s life, the ones spoiled by Princess Pushy.

What am I missing?

Try relativistic time dilation.

Not very sci-fi-ish, but it’ make perfect sense.

For those about to Ragnarok, we uh, we salute you.

I don’t understand this either.

Men aren’t friends with super attractive men?

I take offense to someone suggesting that Thor can’t be ALREADY their favorite Avenger. Excuse me, I’ve been loving Thor since he showed up, thank you very much. Thor is my favorite Avenger. I think of him as Kirk’s Dad so that helps me like him more.

Mrs. Fatone for the win

I hate him so much, and I’m so, so tired.

Wedges are ugly. They make your feet look like stumps, or hooves. Wedge booties are an abomination.

Kitten heels aren’t somehow more comfortable because they’re shorter and stubbier than a regular-ass high heel. The twist? They’re still heels! If you don’t believe me, please try the following experiment.

“But scholars have argued that such sentiments are not atypical of male friendship in the 17th and 18th centuries.”

Shania Law: “Trump Don’t Impress Me Much”

It’s surprising how well Marvel’s casting has gone.

OMG you should have put a trigger warning on that.