
I literally just noticed that my jar of peanut butter has a huge "NO high fructose corn syrup!" congratulatory badge on the front. There was high fructose corn syrup in peanut butter?! It's not as weird as the yoghurt you mention, but it's still somewhere I never would have imagined it to be.

Fair enough. Like I said, not a scholar. I literally looked into it for the first time a couple of years ago after watching one of the old Sherlock Holmes movies and liking the cut of his suit in one scene and was so disappointed that men no longer dressed that way to black tie events. Oh what a fool I was back then!

Oh internet, why isn't it easier to tell tone with you?! People get so up in arms about the way other people look and dress, I tend to assume that, when it comes to the internet, everyone is VERY SERIOUS ALL THE TIME ALWAYS. Sigh.

Waistcoat below the tailcoat is acceptable. Current preference is for the waistcoat not to show, but in the early 20th century, particularly in Europe, showing a bit of waistcoat was the thing to do. From what I know of it, anyway; I'm not an historical fashion scholar.

I'm sure he has! I, however, hadn't and laughed out loud through the whole thing. Thanks for that!

It's like when you let a toddler dress himself. Adorable, but a mess.

You know he tied that shit himself. No youtube tutorial necessary.

Look at his posture! That's just, like, the natural way that he stands. Not only does he look good in white tie, but he looks comfortable in it. Like he breaks that tux out on Sundays to do his shopping.

It's the only fancy celebrity event I am desperate to go to. The venue is amazing and the DRESSES. Dear lord, the dresses.

Trust a public school boy to fully understand white tie. Take a lesson, everyone else!

I had a bottled Crispin that tasted like bandaids. It was the weirdest flavor ever. I thought maybe I got a bad bottle, but I've had it several times since then and it's always the same. Old, fabric bandaids. I love cider, but keep that Crispin garbage away from me.

I'm seconding the Clark's recommendation. I used to live near an outlet (they're too pricey for me otherwise) and as a result own several pairs. I'm a foot baby who is constantly late, and I have successfully run for innumerable trains in my Clarks heels without injury.

I don't understand the appeal of this. Maybe it's for people who have never actually lived with cats? Because easily the most annoying thing about them (apart from the fact that they shit in a box INSIDE THE HOUSE, disgusting) is that anytime you try to eat or drink anything, they get all up in it. It's such a pain to

I once fell down a flight of stairs in front of Orlando Bloom.

Laughed so hard I cried. Had to pause the video.

All my friends go to Reading every year, and they always have a great time but it sounds like my nightmare. A bunch of drunk people in a muddy field for three days? No thank you!

The green tea ones are SO GOOD. I'm not usually into weird candy, and I especially don't like it when people mess with my chocolate, but a girlfriend brought some of these back from Japan so I tried them out of politeness and OMG MY LIFE HAS CHANGED FOREVER.

You is well right, bruv.

My ex has a decidedly Essex accent and is constantly trying to alter aspects of it so people will take him seriously as a lawyer. I'm like, dude, move to America. Problem solved.