
Yes. Put Kazza in all the things!!

Love a waistcoat. Can't get enough of a waistcoat.

I definitely made this the lock screen on my phone because how could I not?

I felt the same about the end, but I loved the rest of it! Never enough BC.

I used to work in the same building as the headquarters for the Girl Scouts of America, and at cookie time, they would set up a table in the lobby of the building. I had to walk past those doe-eyed cookie pushers twice a day (4 times, if I went out for lunch), everyday. I had to put up mental blinders and basically

Yes, that was a very disappointing realization.

This is barely related to your comment, but when you said that sociopaths lie about everything, like what they had for breakfast, it reminded me of a poem my sister wrote when she was in high school. It was about a guy who lied about everything "from the food he liked to the games he used to play" and one of his lies

I wouldn't be surprised. Spelling something in an inexplicable way but pronouncing it like a pre-existing name is kind of a thing these days. Maybe in a few years, kindergartens will be filled with La-as!

I actually had a conversation the other day with someone (a non-idiot) who insisted there was a La-a where he used to work. I informed him that everyone on earth claims to know someone who knows a La-a, but none actually exist. He held firm, though, saying he saw it on some employee register thing. "And you pronounce

Me too! I always get annoyed when I roll up to a make-up counter for advice about something or other, and they always try to up-sell me on something to cover my freckles. I like my freckles and specifically use a foundation that doesn't cover them. Stop trying to make me feel bad about my freckles because I NEVER

The simplicity and brilliance of this comment needs more recognition.

My best friend's older sister had one of those candles in the mid-90s, and I was so jealous of her. I wanted to burn a candle and get a prize!!! It was a really big one so I think there were multiple little charms scattered throughout it. It drove me crazy that she almost never lit it, so it took MONTHS to get to the

Riiiight?! I'm sad he didn't win anything because it means he won't be on the tv and in magazines nearly as much as I would prefer, but let's be honest here- Shaun White's new haircut is the real winner of these Olympics. Momma like, rawr, etc.

Sandi Toksvig is quite possibly my favorite person on this earth, and that is 100% thanks to QI. Make her a regular cast member on each of these shows and it will solve all the problems. And, as a bonus, the shows will be 30% funnier and I'll be extremely happy all the time. So…. yes?

YES. This is me, too. Most of my friends get that talking doesn't help me, it's my family that is the problem. I was always a happy kid that never had any problems, and even into my 20s I never struggled when I went through something other people would find difficult. But a couple of years ago, a lot of really bad

I just watched all of it and it's so good! Thank you, Jezebel, for bringing this wonderful thing into my life.

That's girl with the Sherlock/Moriarty slash theory from the Empty Hearse episode of Sherlock, right? I loved listening to her accent for the few minutes she was on screen, and I am very much looking forward to an entire show focusing on her! Definitely going to watch this.

Mine aren't too strange, just a bit humorous. My ex and I met in the elevator at work. I'm always a little bit late and the only reason he was arriving at the same time (and through the same entrance) was because he had a weird rash on his arm and had been prescribed a bunch of sessions on a sunbed to clear it up

Haha, no, but on the inside that's definitely what I was doing! I started to laugh once I saw Leonardo and said "Never mind!" Luckily they were both really cool and also laughed as I did some embarrassing ramblings and then ran away.

Our brains must store people like that in the same place. Because, when you think about it, you know celebrities and acquaintances from old jobs or school that you barely ever spoke to to about the same degree. You know what they look like and the sound of their voice, but very little else about them. There must be a