
That was the rumor last time, too, except it was Patterson Joseph. I wouldn't count on the next Doctor being an actor anyone's heard of (unless they decide to go with a woman (which I don't think they will), in which case I think they'd have to go with someone well known in an attempt to placate the "He's always a

Oh my God. Your comment made me realize (at nearly 30 years old) that I use 'everyday' incorrectly all the time. I am horrified at my behavior. Thank you for pointing this out so I can stop embarrassing myself everyday*.

That's the word I always think of when I see yet another naked/partially naked picture of Rihanna that she has posted of herself- pathetic. She's got a rocking body and I definitely don't blame her for being proud of it (my body is significantly flabbier than hers and I'm naked all the time!), but it's clearly being

Me too! She's really charming in interviews.

Recommend! Recommend! Semicolons are fantastic.

I can only speak to what he had to do, and in his case he used the full bed, but he also had psoriasis in multiple places on his body. But it was all monitored and only for a few minutes a couple of times a week. It's certainly not just a doctor saying, "Just go tanning!" (Which is what I thought it was when he first

I will see this movie solely for JGL doing Good Vibrations. I have always loved that song and it made me so sad when Mark Wahlberg turned his back on his formerly Funky ways. Thanks, JGL, for keeping the love alive.

My ex-boyfriend was prescribed tanning session for psoriasis. In the UK. So "reputable doctors" definitely prescribe it in at least one place where you've lived. He went to a tanning bed in a medical facility, though, so maybe if they're trying to outlaw them for general public use, they are still being used for

Right?! Every time she dated some super hot megastar, I was always so surprised because she's pretty, but not like knock-out pretty, and Serena was the woooorst so I kind of assumed that Blake was just as bland and awful as Serena. But oh how wrong I was! She seems so charming and lovely and I want her to be my friend

That's how I am! I only like cider (and only the sweeter ones) and the occasional summertime Pimms, heavy on the lemonade. I've had so many friends SWEAR they can mix a drink for me that won't taste like alcohol and I'll love it- nope, I can still taste it and it's still gross. I can't even eat anything that was

A friend of mine in college did that. At the time he was bisexual (he's gay now), and he would tell the guys he slept with that he was a virgin. In his mind, a boy lost his virginity by putting his penis in a girl's vagina. Since he'd only put his penis into other boys, he was still a virgin! Unbelievable.

Agreed. She's a hot sexy lady who likes hot sexy things. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WE GET IT.

I found a free cross-stitch pattern online for the 'Victory!' poster from Victory of the Daleks a few weeks ago. I haven't cross-stitched in at least 15 years, but I can't resist Who-crafts.

This traumatized me when they first published those pictures a few days ago. His hair was the only thing that kept him looking human. I actually dreamt about yelling at Ryan Gosling about this last night. THAT'S how scarred I am by it.

My ex-boyfriend is like you were and thinks kids are the most awesome things ever and can't wait to be a dad and have his own. He would always make faces at kids on the bus or try to talk to them about whatever toy they had in their hands. As his girlfriend, I thought that was such a wonderful quality, because, should

To be fair, I think that episode is how they met, so they weren't even dating when that was filmed. But even with that knowledge, I still get a little uncomfortable rewatching that episode now. The Doctor's daughter is now the mother of his child! Ewwww.

Seriously. I did my makeup on the bus and/or tube everyday for years and never lost a single thing. This strikes me as a combination of exceptionally careless people and drunkenness.

The Doctor's Daughter! Even though he looks almost exactly as he did on Skins, he was nearly unrecognizable to me for the first half of the episode. He had terrible skin (possibly to show how their life cycle worked? Like they still went through a gross, spotty teen phase, only it happened a few hours after they were

If I was 16, I would definitely have a crush on Joe Dempsie. In fact, at 29, I currently do. It started back when he was Chris on Skins, got a bit weaker when he was a pimply mess in Doctor Who, but it's back with a vengeance now!

I love Mrs Obes and she is always looking fabulous, but those bangs are way too long. I had bangs like that for a while and my eyes just disappeared, like a sheepdog. Only someone with giant, light eyes like Zooey Deschanel can wear their bangs that long. Just a tiny little trim, Michelle- then you'll be absolute