Seriously. The color, the cut, everything. Girl looks fantastic.
Seriously. The color, the cut, everything. Girl looks fantastic.
/Amy Abbott?
I agree with his complaint, too. If a gym is unisex, then it should always be unisex. However, I think filing a lawsuit is absurd. Complain, then cancel your membership. No one is forcing him to go to this gym.
I saw this episode. I'm on East coast time and the entire episode aired. Do I live in the only place where this happened?
Little cute nips aren't necessarily an outcome of a breast reduction. Areolae aren't just there for show, there are a whole bunch of nerves and breast-feeding-related things going on behind them, so when doing a reduction, surgeons try to maintain the areola's original shape and size as much as possible. And for…
I would like this, too! Mine are two different sizes (thanks, breast reduction!), and one is significantly larger than the other one. I have to watch out with certain bra-top combinations, because the edge of an areola is one wrong movement away from popping up at any time. Annoying.
I am an average-sized woman, also super pale but with big boobs and a big butt. And I was made fun of for those! So you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Don't let the haters get you down, because they will hate no matter what you've got.
Word. I had breast reduction surgery way back when I was 17 (more than 10 years ago), and, even though my breasts were supposed to be done growing by then, surprise! they weren't, so I now have two vastly different sized areolae. When I read this article, I actually paused and considered getting nipple tattoos one…
I have been looking for Blackpool for YEARS and I cannot find it anywhere. (Although I did learn that its American title is 'Viva Blackpool', apparently.) Can anyone direct me to an online source?! I would be eternally grateful. Allonsy, internet!
I always carry a hand fan in my purse! I have a little one for my "going out" purse (the purse is little, so the fan is little) and a standard size, painted fabric fan for my regular purse. I went to grad school abroad, in a place where the majority of the buildings don't have air conditioning, and I busted that fan…
My fear is of human error. I loved flying as a kid, and I suddenly developed a fear midway through my freshman year of college. Everyone assumed it was 9/11 related (even though that was more than a year earlier and I'd flown a few times since with no problem), but it was really a sudden awareness that people are lazy…
I was also an American ex-pat living in the UK that didn't like to fly! I'm not as terrified as some people- I'm only afraid during take off, and the rest of the flight I'm usually fine (unless there's turbulence or sudden pressure changes), but for those first 10-20 minutes before we level off and the captain turns…
I liked when Taylor Lautner said his Best Shirtless Performance (or whatever it was called) award went out to all the shirtless performers- McConaughey, Tatum, Lena Dunham. That made me lol. But otherwise, yes, shitshow.
It was always a kids show. And not 'young adult' kids, but like, KID kids, like 6 and 7 year-olds. It's designed to be a children's show that the whole family can enjoy and they do a pretty good job of including something for everyone, so it's easy to forget that the target audience is little kids (except when…
I never find it charming, either. Luckily, I've just been able to roll my eyes and get on with my day and nothing has ever happened to me, but you never know with that stuff. I had been asked when I was due earlier in the day by someone in my office (a part-time employee I'd never met before, so not someone I worked…
The same day I had the guy congratulate me on my non-existant pregnancy from across the street, a guy at work ALSO assumed I was pregnant. (To be fair, I worked in a sports arena and he was a random part-time concessions worker that I had never met before, so it wasn't like he was a guy I saw in the office every day,…
I once had a guy shout to me from across the street (and this was a big, four-lane city street), "Congratulations!" After a few seconds of me not responding, he shouted again. "Hey! I said Congratulations!!" A few more seconds of silence from me. "Fuck you, you fat bitch!"
I agree. I always do an eye roll whenever music/video games/television is used as a reason for someone's shitty behavior. I watch Doctor Who almost every day (thanks, BBC America!), and he saves the universe/humanity/an alien race in every single episode. You know what I do? Sit on my ass and watch it. It has never…
Not just you! I scrolled quickly through and had to look back to check if it was Alex Kingston.
I, like you, am not a crier, but, boy, when Amy reads that afterward, it gets me every time. "Tell her, this is the story of Amelia Pond. And this is how it ends." *weeps uncontrollably*