
That Graham Norton was hilare. When he talked about his odd middle name and how it's great as an email address, then realized what he'd done, made me lol long and hard.

Yeeeeees. I remember before they cast Matt Smith as 11, there was talk of Paterson Joseph maybe being the next Doctor, but because he'd previously been on the show he was out of the running. That was a sad day for me.

Agreed. I miss the days of Rose Tyler, the everywoman. She was just a shop girl who BECAME a special snowflake based on her work with the Doctor. I'm tired of "the universe is now and has always been built around you" girls.

I have previously imagined myself in the very same job! The most egregious American pronunciation mistake to me was when that lady newscaster they always use kept referring to the President as Bar-RACK (instead of Ba-raHck with a soft second A). But then I found out that actress IS American! WTF?!

I'm with you- shade is most important, but a clever name is appreciated. I love OPIs colors but really hate all of their stupid punny names, which I think is why I loved their Bond collection so much. Everything just had a movie title as the name, no dumb License to Frill nonsense.

Yeah, like I said, she's usually really nice (materialistic, but nice), but this wedding has brought out some previously unrealized hellbeast in her. Crazy.

I only started to realize the other stuff that goes with marriage after I was considering marrying my boyfriend (way before I would normally have considered it) in order to get a foreign work visa. There's a lot of un-romantic crap that's not fun to think about, so don't worry about it until you have to!

Sounds like we are both very lucky to have such reasonable, non-psychotic besties! I've also seen otherwise nice, sensible girls go totally nuts with their weddings and was so relieved to see that she basically went in the opposite direction.

Ahh, a brilliant solution! Very few people understand the heinousness that is the immigration system, so it is a very easy thing to place the blame on. Mazel tov on the nuptials!

As you get older (ugh, gross, sorry for being that guy), you'll realize that a wedding (or marriage, more specifically) is for more than just "proving your love for one another" (insurance, tax purposes, adoption, etc), but props to you for already being over it. I have witnessed a number of people spend a needlessly

Regarding not going- My sister is one of those girls that is really close friends with a lot of people, so she has been a bridesmaid/maid of honor at least a dozen times in the last ten years (she is seriously Katherine Heigl in 27 Dresses). She's just gone back to school and is in a SUPER intense program that gives

That's what I've been thinking lately about wedding gifts. The point of them in the past was that, odds were, you'd been living with your parents or same-gendered peers, using shared cutlery, plates, ironing board, etc. and didn't really have anything of your own. The wedding gift helped the couple begin their life

My sister went to a bachelorette party the other day (for a girl whose bridal and wedding showers she had already attended), and the very fancy invitation specifically said "Please bring a sexy little thing for the bride!" and then her measurements were on the back of the card! For a girl who places such high value on

I secretly want to marry someone from a foreign country specifically so we can get married wherever they're from and no one except my very very closest friends and immediate family will show up. I want to have a tiny wedding but not spend a hundred hours apologizing for not inviting people. Make it a faraway

My best friend got married a few years ago, halfway across the country, and she was SUPER generous when it came to having me there. We had just graduated college and I was working a couple part-time jobs in NYC while looking for "real" work. She sent me invites to their wedding shower, as well as her bridal and

The other day, my sister got an invite to a bachelorette party, and the invite said "Please bring a sexy little something for the bride!" and then had her measurements on the back! So they weren't exactly demanding a gift, but they made it clear you were expected to bring one.

My sister is in the same spot as you right now, and she is 100% seriously planning a "Just Because" party for herself if she isn't engaged/married/pregnant by the time she's 35. The other day she realized that she's not even friends anymore with girls whose weddings she was in (and therefore spent up to $1000 on), so

"Inappropriately appropriate." High-fives for that one. The other day I said something was "principally the principle," and I was really impressed with myself.

As far as wanky footballers go, Becks is one of the less wanky ones, so I'd go with humble. But who knows. Could be a humblebrag hidden in translation.

Yeah, I definitely agree. As a female and a soccer fan, this outrage is pretty much the dumbest thing I've ever heard but also not at all surprising. People get worked up over absolutely everything. I met recently with someone involved with the new Indianapolis men's pro soccer team, and we were discussing potential