
I am seconding your thoughts about small dogs. I've had medium-to-giant (seriously, one was described by the vet as "giant") dogs my whole life, and I've been bitten twice- by a chihuahua and a schnauzer. I think because the dogs are so small, people feel that if one is jumping on you, you can just move your leg a

Your kid is a BOSS. Most full grown adults don't do any of those simple, obvious things, and your child does every single one like a pro. I don't know if you taught her that, or school or Cesar Milan, but whoever did gets a high five. As does your child. Good job, everybody. (My only note would be to offer the BACK of

Mine ultimately didn't work out (Indiana-England is a LOOONG distance), but what made it easier while it WAS working was having things to look forward to. If you don't have an end date, try to always have a trip to visit each other planned, even if they're spread out. One travels in spring, the other in summer, both

I have never understood why people have trouble remembering to take their birth control, but maybe that's because I take mine as soon as I get up everyday? I have it right on the bedside table, next to a glass of water (I wake up thirsty during the night all the time, it's weird). Before I get out of bed, I take it.

That's what I was expecting, too! These boys do have some hideously bad tattoos, but I was really looking forward to ugly tattoos of the boys. They'll exist soon enough, I'm sure.

A small tattoo takes a couple of MINUTES. Those stars, the heart, that... parachuter? Those probably took 20 minutes a piece at most. He could have gotten the majority of his tattoos in a matter of hours. Doesn't mean he should, though...

You are correct! I remember my friends and I (who were actually rooting for them) live tweeting X-Factor and always hashtagging them #WandErection. Lindy was no where near the first, and she certainly won't be the last.

Ha! Me too. I read three or four times before I could accept that I wasn't just not getting it- it was atrociously written.

All of the people responding to you that don't know who he is make me so, so sad. One of the best dudes in the business. Take or leave his music, but do yourself* a favor and spend some quality time learning about Andrew WK. And then party. Hard.

Absolutely. Loads of my friends work in music and have met or worked with him, and every single one of them has only positive things to say about him. I'm not a huge fan of his music, but I'm a massive fan of him.

Andrew WK is a BOSS. Seriously one of the most awesome dudes you'll ever meet. He is one of the nicest, most polite and hilarious guys I've ever had the pleasure of encountering. Loads of my friends have met and/or worked with him, and there's not a single negative story in the bunch. I could take or leave his music,

Because nothing has to die for faux fur or vegan meat.

I second this. My name is NOT my identity. I could change my name to Princess Consuela Bananahammock and I'd still be the exact same person I was before, just with a much more hilarious name. Change it if you want to, keep it if you don't. Everyone needs to care an awful lot less about what other people do.

Everything he does is so dramatic and flamboyant. It just makes me want to set myself on fire.

I agree with this. I love JLaw and think she does a great job as Katniss, but that was my reaction, too- the ONE healthy looking actress in Hollywood for a role that specifies being underfed. Someone else mentioned the bread scene, and if I hadn't read the book, I'd've been like "Does he feel bad because she's getting

I think this is exactly how I would have pictured him if I hadn't read the suggestion of Jesse Williams before I read the book. Jesse really does match the description to a T (tee?). But this dude is crazy hot, so I'll allow it. :)

There are no bad dogs, just bad people.

Did I just get a funky bottle, or does Seche Vite smell like poison? I like the product, but the smell is so strong that I only use it when I don't have the time to wait for my usual top coat (Revlon's Extra Life No Chip Top Coat- SO SHINY!!) to dry. Does it always smell 100x worse than all other nail polishes?

I bought Seche Vite after all the constant praise I read about it, and I really don't like it. It smells like poison! More so than regular polish, anyway. I remain faithful to Revlon's Extra Life No Chip Top Coat. SUPER shiny, lasts for a while, no shrinkage. It's not a quick dry, but I'd rather sit carefully for a

Zoya promos are magical. In the last two months, I've gotten 6 free polishes from them. I cannot sing their praises loudly enough. (And their polishes are good, too! But I have noticed that some are harder to get off than others.)