Forget about the shoes themselves, the name Daddy'$ Money is gross on so many levels.
Forget about the shoes themselves, the name Daddy'$ Money is gross on so many levels.
Also the article used the term augmentation, which is the opposite of the surgery they're actually raising money for. It makes things extra confusing when a crucial word is wrong!
When I was in second or third grade, there was a guy a few grades ahead of me that rode the same school bus and his name was Sean. I'd always pictured it as Shawn in my head. When I finally got the nerve to ask him to sign my yearbook one year, he wrote his name as "Sean" and I was so confused. "See-an? Who the eff is…
I've got a Scottish friend called Siobhan, and, as an American, the first time I met her was the first time I'd heard the name. Foolishly, I asked her to spell it for me, and as a result I kept forgetting how to pronounce it because I could only see the confusing letters in my head. "See-bahn? Shi-bo-han?" Now,…
That is a really good way of describing the impact of different roles in different mediums! Simple, yet effective.
Thanks for this, it was really informative. (And thanks for not saying "The director does everything, you idiot," which is what I was expecting.)
I don't think I worded my actual question very well, but your response comes closest to answering it in spite of that. I didn't realize that the director could rewrite the script enough to have an effect on the movie, and I hadn't really taken into consideration just how much editing can make or break a film (which is…
That is so cool. It's such an iconic piece of music. He did a phenomenal job.
What happened to having all the Bonds on stage at once?! I read in a number of articles over the past month or so that all the (Eon) Bonds from Connery to Craig were all going to be on stage together for the first time ever in the world at the Oscars!!! etc. I was so excited about that, my heart was pounding in my…
Clearly she's never seen a single Bond film, since a Broccoli's name shows up in big letters at the start of every single one. And I laugh every time.
OMG you're so right. This is a perfect description.
Real question that's probably going to make me look super dumb- How much of an effect does the director have on the movie?
THEY ARE. I used to have a 12 minute walk from the train station to my office (actually 12 minutes to the building, then an additional 8-10 minutes to my office. Oh the pitfalls of working in a stadium), and those 12 minutes on a windy winter day were absolute torture before I discovered winter tights. They are…
The idea of getting a Pimm's at a dive bar in America made me do a megalol. (I wish it didn't; they're my faaaavorite!) But I heartily agree on American Apparel for leggings. It's basically the only thing they're good for (besides nail polish).
1. In my experience, the drinks that have only two ingredients and are also the name of the drink are the best way to go. For me it's Jameson and Diet Coke. If I just say whiskey, I might get some shitty house brand, but if I specify Jameson, there's not much that can be messed up. Except for strength, but that's…
What the WHAT?! I drank Pimm's constantly in London (to the point that I always had a bottle in the house and was mercilessly mocked for it by my friends) and have not been able to find it ANYWHERE since I moved back to the States. Looks like I'm moving to Oklahoma!
Right?! And now I see how absurd they are. Look out, Harry Styles fans; I am your future.
Seriously. I was with someone for barely a year, and now, nearly four months later, I STILL don't want to start dating again yet. I wish I was more like this girl and could just get back on the horse, but, as it stands, I, too, cannot relate.
Me, too! Me, too! I think everyone looks exactly the same. Like no one has any distinguishing features. If I see someone repeatedly (a co-worker or friend-of-a-friend that hangs out a lot), I'll eventually remember their name and their face, but it takes me so long to recognize people that it's embarrassing.
I never get mistaken for anyone else, but I'm definitely one of the unobservant people you're talking about. I never mix up co-workers (but I do forget names A LOT), but I also think everyone looks the same if I only see them once or twice. It's almost worrying. Right after college, I was working in coat check at a…