
That sounds great in a vacuum, but when you’re dealing with people who think it’s God’s will that women should die of ectopic pregnancies instead getting an abortion or literal Nazis (or both!) it’s not possible for a neutral third party to exist.

Democrats did pass some of the largest bills in history to make people’s lives better. It’s unfortunate that almost nobody has any idea what’s in them, and after months of haggling over things like the infrastructure bill, everyone instantly forgot about it the day it was signed.

It’s frustrating, because I already know on Wednesday that the supposedly liberal media will be parroting Republican (and frankly centrist/moderate Dem) talking points that Democrats lost because they focused too much on abortion, or because of defund the police or trans people.  Almost no one will ask if maybe

I think a LOT more people than any of us knew (or wanted to know, frankly) were waiting for someone to tell them that it was ok to hate and fear and disenfranchise in public the people their families had been teaching them to hate and fear and disenfranchise for generations in private. First Palin and the cursed Tea

Bang on. They’ve been wailing about it for years, so much so that their supporters believe it to be horrific. anything that normalizes it and makes it seem painless and ordinary MUST be either a) faked or b) shouted down despite the reality of it.

I’d agree. Im pretty sure they wanted her to beg God for forgiveness at the end, or at least confess to being a whore, or something. 

Excuse me, have to go up my donation to NPR since they are the only ones doing any actual news.

I’m guessing the outrage is at the simplicity and normality of the procedure. No screaming fetus, or wailing woman for the righteous right to hold up as proof of something; sin maybe?

I’ll say this: at least this time they’re performatively mad about something that actually happened, rather than their usual performative anger about something they made up entirely in their own heads.

“This is a private and personal matter and I ask that the media respect our privacy at this time,”

Pretty sure that ship sailed when they all voted for a thrice-married former reality TV show host and serial liar who was cheating on his third wife WHILE she was pregnant with his fifth child... or something like that.

Hypocrites gonna be hypocritical , xtian magical sanctity of marriage and family unit values what?

It’s a cliche at this point, but if you can’t afford to pay a living wage, you haven’t earned the privilege of being an employer. If it needs done, do it yourself, “job creator”.

Local governments had trouble staffing posts for lifeguards. This led to most of the state pools at state parks to close. Most of those parks are fairly remote (so gas+time for $9.00/hr). Even teens were disinterested in a summer job that paid shit. Guess what? Local governments raised their pay around here to

And man, is the business community getting salty about this. I have seen so many passive-aggressive signs in store windows complaining that “no one wants to work anymore =( ” as if the whole problem is lazy people and not basic economics.

^^This. Spent a bit of time - a year - working in a Western European social democracy, and I can confirm that paying workers a living wage Ames them happier and healthier… does publicly funded  healthcare that covers everyone.  

Paying hospitality workers a proper wage and taking the onus off them to hustle customers for tips to survive (and off customers to pay them) DOES work, America, we promise you! - lots of other countries

Lets pay restaurant workers a real wage and end tipping. If the restaurant industry cannot pay its employees it does not deserve to exist.

I’m conflicted. One one hand, that was the coolest shit I’ve ever seen. On the other, those players kneeling during a foofy pregame ritual was deeply upsetting.

If the troops wanted a pay increase and better opportunities for education, they could have voted for a Democrat.