
Maplin's probably a better UK comparison, especially from a hobby electronics perspective. I don't understand how Currys/PC World etc are still around either. Is Comet still a thing?

He's wonderful at letting pauses linger long enough that the interviewee feels the need to talk more just to fill the silence. It's a pretty standard interview technique but it always seems to work.

Oh yeah, the young Miscavige actor is absolutely brilliant! The numerous potential Tom Cruises waiting around was a very funny image.

Vheissu seems like a weird place to fall off the Thrice train. Everything they did after that, fine, but there's some huge tunes on that record even if it's less riff-tastic. I'd put Biffy Clyro down as my band for this, three albums of great, weird, quietLOUDquietLOUD tracks, but then the obvious, calculated bombast

I checked in from time to time post-Afterglow and they never maaged to reach those heights again. It's a bit sad now.

Oh man, Champ is an all time favourite for me. Forcefield has some belters on it too.

Brilliant episode, my favourite so far.

Truly a superb song, great choice to open the album too.

I figured that the 'way to reverse everything' they were discussing was just another dead end, and that Leon's appearance meant we just won't ever see them again. Shenanigans could totally be afoot though.

I actually got Twin Peaks vibes slightly earlier in her route through that house, the living room had a rug with a jagged b&w pattern which was quite black lodge-y.

Also the singing recap was amazing this week. I thought they'd drop the gag after "instead I watched another show"…and then they recapped that instead. So good.

I remember that! You got like 18 minutes of play time. We were always trying to see how far we could get, played it so many times.

The middle 8 is weirdly reminiscent of Offspring circa Ignition/Smash. I like it, though. I've been listening to Insomniac a lot recently, it's held up a lot better than Dookie.

His interesting relationship with plurals makes it sound like Sean Clements from Hollywood Handbook. "…even if it's really great movies!"

Oof, those Hot Snakes albums definitely warranted another listen. Also the second Hot Hot Heat album, 'Elevator' is a timeless pop classic.

You guys are living in the same world as I currently am. I've started hearing Hayes & Sean's voices in my head while I'm trying to sleep, it's the best/worst thing ever.

Elevator is one of my favourite indie pop records, but Happiness LTD was utterly dreadful. I remember Q magazine's review ended by saying 'more like limited happiness'. As two-word reviews go, that's up there with shit sandwich.

Recap song was amazing. Bit of an 'iZombie goes to Washington!' vibe, which I can totally get behind.

Aren't they both just 'Run' by Snow Patrol?

I don't know what their profile is like on the other side of the Atlantic, but since Everything Everything released Get To Heaven I've had the title track in my head, daily:…