
The "I love you" section sent me through the same series of reactions that I experienced the first time I saw Mr Show's Story of Everest.

This show is doing character development better than any other sitcom. Utterly superb.

Superb work.

I enjoyed that, but I reeeeaaally wanted to see Morgan & Eastman go pole-crazy on a sizeable swarm of zombies.

I couldn't even laugh this week. I cringed a lot during the man cave segment last week, but this was just another level of absurdity. I know it's been said repeatedly, but his method of taking a simple idea and then following through in a way that just about seems logical is hilarious. I also love the cast of

This is absolutely why I'm watching it, and sadly I feel the same way. I hope one day S&H get a show on the air that they created.

Also moustache.

The singer from TFB sounds a lot more like Roddy Woomble from Idlewild than he does T-Mo from the Plan. Although I doubt Woomble has said motherfucker in his entire life.

Nathan Rabin died for this?

Great episode. The horse segment was beautifully shot too.

Nothing else to add really, this was just a perfect sitcom half hour.

Yup, did the exact same.

I didn't think the material was quite as strong as his Caligula set, but I really enjoyed how he closed out the show with stuff that was a little more personal and slightly less gag-oriented. I'd like to see more of that.

I also lost it the second time he said 'classic bait-and-switch"

I can't believe he topped everything he'd previously done inside the first three minutes. I hadn't stopped laughing at the tiny door when the alligator appeared, that tipped me over the edge into outright hysteria.

An arrow to the neck in Moonrise Kingdom too.

It somehow gets worse every year, and while I've not gone as far as timing the damn thing it feels even longer now too.

If the majors keep putting their vinyl prices up then the resurgence isn't gonna last long at all.

That camera shot across the water at the end felt like it was going to land on something revelatory and then it just cut to black. It looked nice but it was an anticlimax.

Yeah but if he WAS a vampire then there'd probably be others, and they might better at disguising how vampiric they look. I'll take one creepy, anaemic director over a plague of bloodsuckers (unless The Leisure Class is as bad as the table read suggests, in which case I might reconsider).