
Hollywood Handbook kills me, it's a little bit how I imagine Topics would be if MIB & Sho were recording in the same room.

The guy who sells NBC their fake blood is praying this show doesn't get canceled.

I miss him so much despite having absolutely no connection to him.

Just watched it, no idea if still if there's anything to the theory but it was a lot more enjoyable than Nick Broomfield's crap.

I also felt this episode leaned a bit heavily on surreal imagery. Still, truly astounding to look at.

It wasn't obvious Kumail was the double agent as he played the exact same janitor character last season. Also I disagree that the show looks any more cheaply made than it did the last 2 years on NBC, we've had loads of exteriors, lots of elaborate sets and FX…

The season 4 finale was not good. It was the worst episode of the show by a mile. The season 3 finale would have made a fitting end.

Honestly, if you're happy for there to be no more Community after this season then you're a crazy person. Stop comparing it to its old self and compare it to the vast majority of current sitcoms, which it easily tops.

He's pretty good for the most part, he's handling his dementia fairly well but his mood can darken completely at random. We watched the Force Awakens trailer with him and it was the first time he'd seen it, he seemed really excited about it but with an understandable tinge of sadness at his lack of involvement. He and

I was with Dave Prowse for a work thing today, and apparently even after the Disney sale he's still ostracised and not allowed near any official events. George Lucas is sure being a prick to an 82 year old man.

My favourite episode of the season by a mile.

Dude loves that snare roll fill doesn't he? Must be an intentional nod to Faculties/Worms.

The phrase 'down to clown' used to bring me so much joy, now it just makes me miss Harris Wittels.

We had the misfortune of being his last appointment before breaking for lunch, and due to various delays it was around half two-ish at this point. He was fine I guess, but wasn't particularly eager to play along and his answers got shorter & shorter as it went along. To be fair to the guy he was obviously worn out and

Yeah, you've pretty much nailed it there. Basically a tired/hungry/bored actor sits in a hotel room for several straight hours while various interviewers sit in a chair opposite them for 8 minutes at a time. Said interviewers have been crammed into another nearby room, waiting around for an indefinite amount of time

What sucked is that there was a bunch of international press folk who'd flown from Europe and were meant to go in after Krishnan, meaning they came all that way for nothing. We were shooting a few hotel rooms down from RDJ with Paul Bettany, he wasn't exactly a barrel of laughs either.

In a couple of weeks I'm going to be in the same room as her for a work thing. It's stressing me out.

I think if you played someone Airplanes and then Plans they'd struggle to believe it was the same band, so I think the theory collapses in on itself there. Also if you're letting Cath slip through then where's the love for Underneath the Sycamore?

I got this & the new Sufjan Stevens today, and both feature the lyric 'I don't know where to begin' in their opening tracks.