

How is Bad Blood not a single already?

The highlight for me was Charlie's flower placement.

I had literally no idea they were still a band, good for them.

I hate myself for this because half the time I don't even look at the site rating, but how did this not get whatever letter is above A?! Best episode since they bought a damn boat.

I'm deeply concerned for Caroline Siede, almost none of your friends are Simpsons fans?! You're either hanging around with children or the elderly, get some friends your own age Caroline.

Every time I watch it I'm genuinely embarrassed by how moving I find the second read through of Roman & McLovin's script.

It wasn't the funniest episode they've done but it was definitely one of the most well structured. Each character had his own plotline, with each one making total sense for what we already know about them, and it all tied together nicely at the end.

No problem buddy! Really I just want this show to not sink to Italian stereotypes saying "aaaayyyy fugeddabaht it" like in the most recent episode.

I admire your outlook, but not your inability to understand my point. Batman doesn't need to show up, nor do I long for the poorly-written time jump needed for Bruce to be an appropriate age for that to happen. I'm saying in a world fresh off the Nolan trilogy, this just has to be set in that universe to be popular

This is such a C- of a show. It'll blatantly run for a decade just for having something remotely to do with Batman though.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the first 80 minutes, but the third act was a real fucking mess. Randall Park was superb and I enjoyed the various cameos too.

I like to think he says it as a James Bond thing, 'double A Dowd'.

I'll have what I'm having!

The Max Fischer comparison is spot on, great observation.

Y'know you're right, that episode where Eliza had to babysit was great.

Did Harmon ever say anything more on whether he'd gotten Donald Glover to come back?

This made me spit tea over my Mac because it was funny and I am super British.

I personally enjoyed last week's way more than this one, I've not read the books but I assumed from the start that Eugene wasn't really capable of what he claimed, and that was some seriously sub-Lost shit with Abraham's flashbacks. On the other hand though, zombie water cannon!

What is with this season's new comedies being plagued with overly cartoonish supporting casts? Aside from Selfie, I'm thinking of Marry Me and Mulaney (and yeah, I know, both shows have problems that go way beyond the secondary characters).