
This deserved a stay of execution if only for how far they'd managed to turn it around from the terrible pilot. The combo of that, the title, and the first trailer really doomed this from the start.

Having given this show a lot of shit that, in the main, it's fully deserved, I'm really enjoying this season. In some ways this episode felt like a solid track on a good album, it's not going to be a single but it fits in well as part of a whole. I enjoyed having a break from the main group, and although a couple of

They were given ten episodes this season, Nathan didn't want to do that many.

Every single part of this song goes on for twice as long as it should do, like I need to hear that opening riff 16 times or whatever it is. It's not some crazy Meshuggah groove that I need to hear for 2 minutes to try and figure out. Also the solo - where lousy musicians around the world said 'My God, Morello is