we see what we see. some of us were captivated.
we see what we see. some of us were captivated.
love being on a john carpenter love thread.
but how well he sold it
it's a brilliant and truly creepy film. Sam Neil ties it together with dedication to taking the role very seriously.
one of my favorites
Jiminy Cricket
i have trouble imagining daffy passionate Luc Besson as a jerk.
he kinda started out older looking.
Christine is vastly underrated. it should have been goofy, but he made it an emotional character study of teenagehood—anxieties, growing apart, dating, growing up. and he made a haunted car genuinely hair raising and thrilling. it's just such a well made and so earnestly acted movie and stands up endlessly to…
one of my favorite horror films. a great ghost yarn told so atmoshperically. i never know why it is so far below the radar. it was a great time for haunting movies: The Fog, Changeling, Ghost Story, just at the top of the list.
I would add Sinister to the list of unbeatable supernatural horror. Though the protagonists succumb instead of enduring. I really like the learn-to-endure theory tied to today's living through dread state of mind with perpetual war, dwindling resources, climate change, food riots, etc.