
·Everyone at Wendy’s is happy because they’re at Wendy’s, I will choke you.

With those baby hands? He’s not shocking anyone.

Terrell Owens does.

Not very diplomatic if you ask me.

I’ve got a few sinkholes to sell you.

The state of Oklahoma would disagree with you, if we could stop having earthquakes for long enough to type out a proper reply.

I’m 66 years old. I became a feminist when I was 5, and my older sister was told she could “join” a model airplane club my father belonged to. She could pay dues, but not attend meetings or meet because she was a girl.(My father promptly “unjoined” that club!) I’ve been waiting 61 years for today.

Hey, they stole Baltimore’s sign.

There are two arguments people present that show they have no fucking clue how coordinated and good professional athletes are. The first is every variation of “Could I pitch an inning/make a tackle/play a series at quarterback/make the senior tour as a golfer?” NO. They are professionals and you are an

I think we should all take a moment, gather our thoughts, and immediately start jumping to conclusions using whatever stereotypes come to mind. Considering it’s a nice day out let’s also engage in a pointlessly hostile debate on gun control.

Fake mooned. Never forget that Joe Buck lost his shit over a fake moon.

Maybe he is overcompensating for his last name.

Could this be the first ever instance of an athlete’s social media page actually being hacked?

“So you think Pat Tillman could be a dick”

Look, I’ll admit: After 15 years of retrospection, shit like “NeverForget” gets old. I don’t know, I have to confess that the pivotal news event of my lifetime has been so cynically milked for political gain that it’s soured me on retrospectives. Which I fucking hate since I know it shouldn’t be that way, but it’s

Reminds me of this old movie. Can’t think of the name.

It’s Always Scummy In Philadelphia


There are possibilities for both, but selective breeding is a proven science.

Just like the boobs on Fox, this one, too, is lily-white and far to the right.