
Ain’t it funny how it happened? Ain’t it?

Hell hath no fury like a Wizard scorned.

Just to clarify by “it” I meant the general plight of African Americans at large, not his family.

Maybe they don’t get into those discussions with their kids. Perhaps they are bad jokes exclusive to adult conversations - I don’t know.

No, I do not think otherwise.

Definitely an offensive comment as it stereotypes a mass group of people, it’s wrong - not ok.

Exactly. Politics and economics rival rocket science. The idea of a red neck telling a scientist his beliefs on how rockets actually work would be preposterous. However, since our society/media/politicians have spent the last 100 years dumbing down complex political issues into small bites, we are left with

His incoherent takes will continue to be sorely missed.

This is the GOP’s brilliant picture of what “small government” looks like. Why would women (or men) need counselors on the state’s payroll, when they already have Kylie who is an updo guru and master of small talk.

What a fuck. The video is hilarious. The guy just isn’t a good runner, but REALLY wants to be.

Lol, I love how anything can be spun into a metaphor.

Is that really what’s happening?

Agreed. His statement contains no depth or substance. It’s quite possible he didn’t watch it.

A mild unsolicited surprise.

I love huge bumps.

Well done

It’s like these idiots are ashamed of being called racists and want to warp the meaning of racism into political correctness. Sorry Clint, when your nostalgic generation you’re referring to existed, people were more outwardly racist, considerably more discrimination took place and cops didn’t have to worry about

My thoughts exactly. Just shows that you really can’t assume athletes are good people based on perception alone. Now that I’m older it’s much easier to separate person from persona/brand. Look at Aaron Hernandez - he had some known baggage prior to his conviction but in interviews he seemed very nice and engaging....

Me too, maybe. I grew up on military bases most of my childhood which was very diverse racially. Low to middle-class backgrounds and the variation of discipline was different from each house. While I’d say my black friends generally got the worst of it, I knew two white dudes from Nebraska that got some diabolical

Some people really think that form of discipline works. It’s such confirmation bias tho, if yourself or your kid turned out half way decent “it works”. Growing up, I never really got hit by my parents but I had a ton of friends who got belts, extension cords, or slapped consistently. Lets just say it didn’t work on