Mods Love Me

Median household wealth for Black families decreased by 30% under Obama. Foreclosures hit Black families particularly hard and he did nothing to stop it. Bill Clinton “ended welfare as we know it” and signed the 1994 Crime Bill into law. Not to mention how NAFTA gutted the already anemic manufacturing sector of the

So no mention of Biden’s involvement with the 1994 Crime Bill? Was this article sponsored by the Democrat Party?

Speaking of deporatation lets put towelhead Omar on the next magic carpet ride back to Somalia

Respeck Islamic culture, you racist.

Funny to call it an ableist meltdown of the media when clearly the speculation was correct. He’s barely started the job and he already can’t hack it.

Literally not one person anywhere is questioning whether trans people “have a right to exist”.

I doubt most people care about trans people. It is a pet project of the extreme left.


I support this. No permanent transition methods should be allowed with children.

Pretty sure this is an irrefutably good thing. Giving kids puberty blockers is crazy. 


Yeah, don’t normalize it!

Ah yes, because white people are notorious for ajttacking asians.

Because imbeciles, such as yourself, are constantly whinging about imaginary klansmen.

They do that every fuckin’ time.

Most reports said it was an asian dude. Monterey Park is heavily asian

Funny how the 🍆🚲 media immediately went to “maga white supremacist” narrative. Before the ink dried the truth comes out. Funny.

Am I to feel bad if the potentially White suspect was caught unharmed, or if the potentially Black suspect was killed? I need some guidance from the wokesters and race baiters here.

Do you have any evidence to support your racist allegations?

Flyers arrive at my house all the time. I toss the things I don’t care about. It isn’t a federal case.