Mods Love Me

Tom Hanks demands that every cast he works with be fully proficient in firearms, as well as complete basic infantry training and astronaut training. And that was for A League Of Their Own.


So Republicans will ride this to election success in 2024? Likely right. Democrats are pretty incompetent and corrupt.

You are mentally ill if you think Russia trolls are a real thing. Beyond obvious you are not mentally equipped to deal with any factual challenge to your worldview so “Russian trolls” are a perfect coping mechanism for you.  You are a stupid, childish, lunatic to still be babbling about Russian trolls in 2023.  

Why are you in love with a corrupt politician who doesn’t do anything to help you?   Why do you defend Biden when he is obviously corrupt?   Are you as dumb and brainwashed as a Trump supporter?    Daddy never loved you huh?  

You forgot to mention that Hunter Biden had a job with a Ukrainian energy company that he wasn’t qualified for which paid him millions. Now Biden has classified documents about Ukraine and we give them billions of dollars. I doubt anything comes from this because both parties are corrupt and want to protect each other

Maybe social media isn’t for you if you’re upset about what an actress's PA liked for her.

How childish. What exactly do they think they accomplished? 

If she was truly a declining player that would be easy to prove with statistics and knowing a little bit about the sport.  The root includes none of that in the story because the writer is stupid, lazy, and a liar.  

She had a perfectly valid claim. The coach absolutely went after her.

ACAB agitators: “Defund and abolish the police! We can police our own communities.”

Lock her up. 

We’ve missed you, BG.”

seems like a standard checks and balances census thing. But hey, cry about it. That’s all you guys know how to do on this website.

Yesterday I transported my unaborted daughter to the COVID-19 vaccination facility.

Fossil fuels are good now because some fat middle aged republican house wives are mad? Fuck these cows and fuck the state of Failabama, and fuck everyone who lives there.

Oh, she’s so brave.

Of course most would be black. Black on black violence is getting out hand! Just look at poor Tookoff or that other rap dude

They went straight from the Chappelle show to assault all the trans. Stay woke!

Or seek out any of the thousand other CCGs that came out during the initial boom or since. Many are out of print and never even got an expansion but many are also not valuable at all this you can find entire boxes for dirt cheap. And pretty much any that did survive moved to a “living” format years ago so they