Mods Love Me

Sounds like a hate crime 

Its not bigotry, his critics who keep regurgitating that bullshit are fucking morons. Half of em (and half is a generous estimate)-probably havent even watched his specials-the media’s just decided he’s the bad guy and they swallowed it, like you, apparently.

SNL sucks now. OF COURSE the dave chapelle episode was the best one, because hes a great comedian. His mindless, woke critics can go eat a dick.

So if a white freshman were to pledge at an HBCU fraternity, I’m sure no one would call him a cracker, right?

So, a handful of writers sat out this episode and, as a result, it turned out to be the best of the season. If I were Lorne, I’d thank those writers for identifying themselves as the problem and give them their walking papers.

He said nothing disparaging about the Jewish people. He simply said what the vast majority of Americans already know but are afraid to say out loud: You’re allowed to make observations about every demographic in this country, except one. Pointing out a demographic coincidence that there is a disproportionate

I expected it to be a liberal toilet in here, AV Club never disappoints...

It was a glorious episode, a masterclass in exposing idiocy and hypocrisy from multiple angles. The “black heaven” skit was the smartest bit I’ve seen on SNL in many, many years.

Good to see the racism is strong in you.


Now say something even mildly intelligent. Come on. Give it a try!

Look at that. The psychopath is back. Always with the big bad keyboard warrior wannabe violence.

Asking blkflk to comply with ANY rules is oppressive dontchaknow?

That’s not a sexual pose at all. Lot’s of people ride their bikes like that.

“Sweeney also discussed the hyper-sexualization of her body”

I read the whole thing and couldn’t find any links to the photos. How can I verify if this is true? Bad journalism.

Dang you’re clever.

Oh dear. What is one of the world’s greatest comedians going to do without this rando writer?

Defund the University! Abolish education!