Mods Love Me

Choose life

I’m done.

I spent the last twenty years marching, donating, fighting. I was told repeatedly that everything I was doing was wrong, and I, a white lady, needed to listen to black people. So I did, constantly, and at the expense of my own values and mental health. In a few cases, I risked my life to protect and speak up

A fat woman in a bikini is about as appealing as a fat man in a speedo.

It’s fine to be happy despite your shortcomings, it’s another thing entirely to be delusional. The fact is, being hundreds of pounds overweight has never been, and will never be attractive. I don’t understand paying for this so-called shapewear to try and alter your body, which will not work, instead of a lifestyle

Soooooo brave. 

Boohoo for you. Whine whine. Cry cry. 

Who said anything about Oprah?

This is a good idea. I did some of that there “research” and TIL Malia Obama is neither white nor male. People really seem to like that these days.

So you are just going the overdramatic route? Yes of course every death of anyone is a tragedy but lets calm down and talk reality. Compared to the number of deaths each day in the world 4 trans deaths is not an epidemic. Calm down and get some real life perspective. Then again that doesn’t allow you to tell a

I agree. If you look at the statistics of women being murdered, trans women’s statistics are similar. We also don’t know the circumstances of these four murders and if it had anything to do with being trans. One of the article states, ““Whenever a trans person is killed, they are killed because they are trans,” said

4 in a month? That is not really alot. Not the national epidemic they make it out to be. 

You understand that it's not literally forbidding people from saying the word "gay," right? It's about what can be taught in schools. That's not even close to being considered censorship.

Black grievance has truly become an industry.

Who were the other four victims?

So academic students who actually have competitive grades and test scores and pay to go to a university to learn and study have to pay for salaries for sportsball “students” who are already getting a full free ride? You can GTFO with that.


Thanks for ungreying me moron. On a fundamental level you are expressing bigotry against white people plain and simple.

Yeah, those white bitches are all the same. Do you really not see the hypocrisy of demeaning a large group of people while simultaneously attempting to criticize bigotry?

People honestly believe that their feelings dictate not only their gender but also their biology and that anyone who even questions this obvious discrepancy is a transphobe.

That’s because it’s a man swimming on the women’s team. It’s riduculous to say he’s a woman and belongs on the women’s team. Why does anyone believe this nonsense? Men are men. They can explore their gender expression, but it doesn’t make them women and it’s completely unfair to have a man on the women’ s team.