Black people are every bit as racist and violent towards Asians but somehow that’s still an indictment of “White Supremacy”. Using those examples wouldn’t fit your narrative I guess.
Black people are every bit as racist and violent towards Asians but somehow that’s still an indictment of “White Supremacy”. Using those examples wouldn’t fit your narrative I guess.
At least 63% of children under 18 who claim to be trans change their mind after they become adults. At least 63%. That’s a majority of kids in case you’re wondering...
Fuck off. You want to teach children that their place in life is based solely on their ‘social identity’ which ultimately serves nobody. Black people just want an excuse for not having to contribute to society. Systemic racism is the ultimate ‘accountability free’ card. Nothing is ever your fault. It’s the white kid…
Why does every conversation about CRT come with the caveat that, “It’s not even taught in public schools”? If you stand behind CRT as legitimate scholarly pursuit why not fully endorse it? Could it be because public school age children are perhaps not ready for a nuanced discussion of race in the United States of…
Yeah, an old man got killed! High five!
It’s funny because someone was killed.
Meanwhile The Root is actively celebrating the death of a white man who DARED to use the Nword but please, tell us how this very minor disturbance to a rich celebrity’s day is the TRUE EVIL in America.
Her entire brand is built on self promoted public exposure. It’s completely fair to say that she asked for the attention she gets. You’re making a big assumption in thinking she doesn’t want any of the exposure you mention.
Who protects the baby girls choice in the womb?
Murdering “pre-born” babies is still murder, regardless of how you dress it up, or make up words to disguise what you’re doing - murdered, dismembering, a living, innocent of everything, human being.
If you did that to a dog, ripped its puppies to pieces in the womb and…
If Jezebel is any indication, apparently feminists are far too busy hating on Kanye to worry about abortion rights being taken away...
Life begins at Embryo’s Conception. #SCIENCE #STOPMURDER
Good to hear! Keep up the good work. We are an advanced civilization with scientific knowledge. We know scientifically life begins at fertilization, humans interfering after that point is murder.
Turns out movie reviews are following the same trend so much of Hollywood is chasing atm. Cram you social justice message into the content regardless of how well it fits to the detriment of any other focus or intent.
if absolutely none of you think theres is NOTHING wrong in having conversation with a 4 year old about gender identity, then I’m thinking there may be something to what this idiot has signed into law. Yes I still consider him an idiot but somehow thinking that a child who just recently learned to wipe their own butts…
This is so sad. You’ve harmed your child irreversibly. He will not be a woman, but he will have a shorter life and be more prone to mental illness. You’ve fallen for a lie. This isn’t reversible - it’s a human body; there is no going back. European countries are well ahead and stopping this practice which amounts to…
No NATO in Ukraine means this all ends.
AI’s aren’t sentient. They’re not people. They’re just algorithms that rely on massive piles of data. Flagging a person who ‘absues’ an AI program for bad behavior is as silly as flagging the person running over pedestrians in Grand Theft Auto. It’s not the red flag you think it should be that the next James Alex…
What? So did I commit a crime when I walled my Sims into a room with no doors or food or restroom?
How the fuck do you abuse a chat bot? If you smack your remote control because it’s not working, did you abuse your remote control? How about when you work out and hit a punching bag? Abuser! Why should anyone care what anyone says to an inanimate object, or a piece of code? This is literally the stupidest thing I…
It’s not a person, it’s a thing that you buy, own and can do with as you please. Consent has nothing to do with it. Does a vibrator have to give consent? And they’re not actually intelligent, because true AI doesn’t exist.