Mods Love Me

This is just a rehashing of the violence in video games begets violence in the real life, which has been roundly debunked. The opposite has been shown in that case in all studies done on the subject and I’m sure this would have similar results. 

For reasons that are too numerous to list, this is the funniest article that I have ever read.

So now it’s a problem that minorities can get loans? asking companies to pick and choose ACCEPTABLE and UNACCEPTABLE content based on some hazy sense of morality.

Sounds like you’re in a real bitch of a Virtue Signal cycle there, yikes!

People like you frighten me.

of course Kylie Cheung had to do an article about this full of lies and just pure hatred.....

So I’m not a fan of Joe Rogan but also not a fan of just getting rid of people because I don’t agree with them or think what they are saying is wrong. They are trying to do something about the situation and before it even happens you say it won’t work. Hopefully you are never in a position where people disagree with

So what we're looking for, then, is corporate censorship. Is that correct?

The overwhelming majority, nearly all in fact, of violent attacks in asians are committed by blacks.

merit based everything

So if the roles were indeed reversed, I’m sure you’d be here defending the white womans family and demanding the police investigate this obviously guilty black man right? Dr. Tropicana with your medical expertise? Doofus regulars commenters, so transparent in your hypocrisy and obviously uneducated bias. Have every

Why mention that the date was White? Are you implying that he killed her? Obviously you are when if you ACTUALLY look into this case the broad died within NO HELP from him.

At least Harriot used a lot of college words to justify his bigotry.  The remaining “bloggers” here can’t even bother to do that.  Just vaguely allege that “Whiteness” is inherently problematic and move on.  

Welcome to this long dead amateur blog site, where the race baiting is the only articles that generate any clicks.

What evidence is there that any of this is predicated on race? You make sure to let us know the police were allegedly racist and give us the race of the date (suspect?) only to insinuate he murdered her because of her race. But you give zero accounting of how the police or the date’s alleged actions have anything to

Why wouldn’t he get it back? He was not convicted of a crime, so at this point it is just state-sponsored theft.

Then why not just keep it in police custody?”
Wow, the Root suddenly trusts police.

so what, you’re okay with the cops taking private citizen’s shit if they’re the right color? Cops are incompetent.

Yeah, he wants his property back.  Hope he gets it.