idk, my bff rose

Because he’s a giant asshole who doesn’t give a fuck about this woman or any women, people in prison, the prison system (other than privatization making him and his friends money) and he’s pretending to give a shit on Twitter by appearing to be a human with a soul.

why didn’t i scroll :’( so sorry about the other kitties.

I found a spare clarisonic head doing some cleaning so dug out my clarisonic from the deep trenches of my bathroom cabinet. Hadn’t touched it in probably a year but I’ve started using it every couple evenings hopefully to help with summer sweat baby pimples. Also I found a deluxe sample jar of Fresh Lotus face cream

To the vast number of people who get sick and go “better chug some OJ!” yes, probably.

Wow, I had no idea they were related. Ann was a boss.

Was looking at Smarty Pants the other day at Target. You’re supposed to take 6 a day! They were selling 90 ct bottles for $18 that wouldn’t even last a month. Way too expensive and 50 cals of mostly sugar.

Was looking at Smarty Pants the other day at Target. You’re supposed to take 6 a day! They were selling 90 ct

DiNiro is definitely not method acting lately.

I doubt the company knew he was a relatively famous actor, and a policy of not accepting business by phone makes no sense at all. What company would turn away someone trying to set up an appointment and say, sorry please hang up and go online?

And the “Good Guy” Mark Hughes that turned over his rifle was made a target by the PD and had to go in hiding. His life is probably ruined, but shit happens I guess?

My freedom to have a gun > your freedom to live your life in a normal fashion

None of this comment makes sense. No one is saying “if you have a disability you can’t play Pokemon Go.” The article is pointing out people with particular difficulties playing- and I think a very valid point as it keeps getting ignored in the comments, the difficulties of those needing walkers or mobility devices

That’s awful, I’m so sorry.

My mom is not that old (63) but has made it explicit that if she ever gets cancer she is not getting any treatment for it, and if anything happens to her she is DNR. She does not want to die slowly in a hospital miserable from chemo the way her parents and many of her friends have gone. She also set me and only me as

A voting record that ended in 2009, when her positions were formally etched in stone and immutable forever, because that’s how politics works.

I don’t know, most people reasonably accept you’re not going to get into every college you apply to, that’s how it works. It takes a very special snowflake to think, “but I know all the right people, it must be because BLACK PEOPLE!” and not have the self awareness to realize the entire world is going to mock you for

If that’s the “territory of insult” you must live a hard life, sister. Can’t imagine why you have trouble keeping friends! :)

mature, ask for advice to the jezebels at large and then sulk when people point out you're acting like a petty asshole.

again, it’s her wedding, you are a GUEST. not about you and none of the restrictions are bridezilla at all.

It’s her wedding. None of that is unreasonable in any way, except for the part where you have at length described how you are definitely not-friends, but expect her to ignore the possible discomfort of his family over your need to have a “kosher time” i.e. otherwise her wedding will be so miserable for you without

Not to be one of THOSE people but the only thing that consistently helped me stay clear was cutting the vast majority of sugar and junk out of my diet. I used to get a new cystic pimple every 2-3 weeks, just by the time the last one would finally clear out. Since cutting sugar a year ago I’ve had 1 cystic pimple and 1