idk, my bff rose

I legit don’t understand the bending over backwards to appease Trump. Abbott’s not up for re-election. He had a chance to be a decisive leader when our national leadership was doing nothing and everyone was watching. He claimed to be looking at science and concerned about safety, and appeared to be. People trusted

Hundreds of viewers wrote letters saying Elliott’s work appalled them. “How dare you try this cruel experiment out on white children,” one said. “Black children grow up accustomed to such behavior, but white children, there’s no way they could possibly understand it. It’s cruel to white children and will cause

The experiment didn’t have to do with money. In a 100% white class kids with blue eyes were encouraged and told they were smarter, given more time, affection, attention. Then the next day she switched and gave that treatment to the other kids. She connected it to the experience of racial minorities, but after the kids


For long-haul, I’ve flown brand new with the windows that auto-shade and the plane gets pitch dark no matter the time of day, with brand new entertainment systems and all sorts of bells and whistles... and seats maximized to squash as many people into coach as humanly possible. Older planes usually have more comfy

my only issue as a bystander is when restaurants flip over a high chair to use it as a base to hold the carrier. IT MAKES ME SO ANXIOUS

Same! I filed this year through Credit Karma and the process was so easy and refreshing. I usually file through H&R block, but they were threatening on every page not to hold my return information longer than 9 months unless I paid to upgrade, meaning next year I would have to start from scratch instead of them

Back in the day when I was a wee teenage carhop, they didn’t have card readers installed on the menu boards so if you paid via card, we had to take the card inside to manually run the amount. A good chunk of the regulars would tell us to add on an extra dollar for us or round up the change. It was the only way to add

But according to our dear leaders, if you take away public school money, they will aspire to work more efficiently with what little they have! You know, with their bootstraps. Charter schools are motivational!

Wow, I always thought this was sung by a deep-voiced woman.

Mad hippie did not have a bad smell to it. I liked it and it didn’t dry out my skin. Have no idea if it’s comparable to the $80 version, I just know I tried another $20 amazon brand and didn’t like it nearly as much as mad hippie. WHETHER EITHER OF THEM BRIGHTENED MY SKIN I have no idea.

I met with a staffer in his office on Planned Parenthood Lobby Day- she was legit one of the most hateful people I have ever encountered in my life. I’ve met a lot of conservative ignorant assholes in Texas but I was absolutely bowled over by how disdainful she was about the whole process of having to listen to

No one actually loves Ted Cruz, it’s not humanly possible. They just love that he’s not a dirty lib.

Not really. I used to work with seniors figuring out their college options. The military had (and I presume still has) a real problem with finding kids who could meet qualifying scores on the ASVAB test to join. The only kids who really wanted to join and were gung ho about it had to take the test two, three, four

The comment is also super weird in that it’s addressed like you are personally at fault for all of San Diego’s infrastructure decisions. WHY DID YOU DESIGN THE TRANSIT SYSTEM THAT WAY NOMARTHASTEWART WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU

No, conservatives will always see a left-leaning bias. So that is not true of reality, but conservatives literally only trust Fox News, and Facebook’s own data confirms this. So to them, it is as simple as: Fox News represents all the right-leaning news, anything else is left. I don’t agree with it personally but

DFW was like this last summer for Memorial Day weekend. Some of the lines were the regular take off your shoes and pull out your liquids, but my line was sniffed by the dog and moved through the areas designated for TSA pre where we had just the metal detector and bags scanned with everything left in them. I think it

Probably not as I wasn’t out long, but when I looked it up I found that a lot of people had sued the particular brand I used (Honest) for not working, so that was probably it.

Anecdotally, I burned pretty badly the one time I tried a mineral-based sunscreen. It 100% could have been a brand that just didn’t work, but there is nothing like the dismay of lathering yourself up with sunscreen and still burning. Now I’m scared to trust anything else.