
I hate that our society has "evolved" in the 21st century to the point where people are struggling with the concept of dating being personal.

I mean, if you're legitimately not responding to them, eventually they'll get the message. But why the hell would you make plans you don't intend to keep? Why would you say you want to hang out when you don't? You can't give someone shit for not picking out your message when you're sending mixed messages. Want to

No one said you had to treat the person like a therapist. Practice some basic kindness and politely tell the person that you don't think there's romantic chemistry, at least if she doesn't seem to get it. Do unto others, and don't delude yourself into thinking you're above self-doubt. Don't rely on people to make

The concept is more this: think about how much more pleasant people, and thus the world at large, would be if everyone behaved in a way that was more cognizant of each other's feelings? It's all about simple gestures that would save people anguish, whether or not you agree with or understand the fact that they feel