
I always make sure to get entertainment advice from the sjw brigade at Gizmodo. You people's opinion is about as valuable as laid of staff member of buzzfeed. Better learn how to program

Oh great, a game made for one of the least enjoyed walks of life....furries.

 Celebrity worship is disgusting, and for the lowest intelligence part of society. 

Fuck you. How stupid do you have to be to think communism is good, and that unions are related to communism? 

How about twitch handle their blatant sexist application of their ToS, instead of trying to look pretty to outside bullshit. There is clearly people at twitch who think it’s okay to apply the ToS based on sex, abbr that by doing so will get them favor with these women violating the ToS.

 How about go fuck yourself, boomer. You aren't the standard bearer for what is entertainment to who. 

 This is why you will never be taken serious, and why the write Gizmodo media group is going bankrupt. You people have the writing skills of a retard. 

Way to report on a complete non issue. All 0 people got offered, and you Judy had to race to their aid? When are we as a society going to stop giving a fuck if someone claims to be offered. It doesn't matter if people are offered, let them be that way, and the rest of us can move on. 

They should just rename the event to cucks done quick. They have become crazy, fascist, assholes. They ban anyone who is remotely fun, and straight. If you aren't some tranny, weirdo, who abides by the pc culture by laws.

 Holy shit, when are the cucks going to leave gamergate alone?

 Stop thinking so much of yourself, your nothing more than an air thief. 

Shut up, you wanna be dictator. 

 How very authoritarian of you. I love how all you regressive, lefties, are nothing more than dictators who want to control what other people do, and think. 

Lookhow many beta, males, you triggered! You are doing to Lord's work, keep it up. 

They do plenty to discredit themselves lol

Krep crying, and the rest of the regular people will keep laughing. 

Haha, eat some crow. All the people talking down to people who had questions, you can have some crow too.

When the company you work for thinks quotas are profitable you end up writing drivel about why a car is yellow. Love watching Gizmodo go bankrupt. 

The level of racism on this sie, and it’s followers, knows no bounds.

 Fuck off, nigger