
Cool story, this isn't about politics. Glad to see you let these people you don't like live rent free in your head. Always a Trump boogeyman under every rock.

I can’t wait for Gizmodo to fire all of you bloggers parading around as journalists. You people are talentless hacks. This article is complete drivel. 

Did your mom give permission for you to write this? Also, if this is what you consider creepy you are softer than baby shit. I swear they find the worst, least talented, bloggers to write this drivel.

Fuck off with your thesis.

Nothing says shit tier "journalism" like having highlighted quotes from your own article later in the same article. Wear do they find you people? The bloggers at Gizmodo media are as talented as a toddler with down syndrome. 

Fuck with the thesis paper.

 No, you are being rude. And very unprofessional, but I wouldn't expect anything less from the hacks at Kotaku. 

Hahaha, thanks for the laugh. Every blogger working for Kotaku is an air thief.

 You're a hack, blogger, that will shill anything Kotaku tells you to. All the while promoting your book at the end of ever piece of drivel Kotaku will let you put out. I can't wait for you to get laid off. 

I like how you didn't talk about how many video game "journalists" blamed fans, and tried labeling anyone unhappy with this announcement as not a fan, but as an entitled, trolls. Shame on companies like Kotaku, and the garage tier bloggers, that work for them. 

I can recall almost the entire game of FFVI, I hardly remember anything about FFVII. Other than Cloud is a total soy boi.

This game should have been cancelled. More and more game companies are shitting all over their loyal fans, the fans that helped them be successful, just to make games that are marketed to people outside of their core customer base. Bring back turn based combat, bring back male characters don't look, and sound, like

Oh, joy, just what t.v. needed... more faggots....

Oh look, more NPCs. 

Why the fuck is this even a thing people were concerned about? Just play the damn game or don't, but don't brig this bullshit into it. Get woke, go broke. 

 No, you stopped because your a turd and think other people should act how you think they should. Multiplayer games are better off without people like you. Shit, the planet would for that matter. 

Shit, what a relief for the rest of us. Now move along, faggot. 

Fuck off, faggot. 

 He didn't deserve anything, it's a fictional character in a shit show. 

 This game is hot garbage, and has to use gimmicks like this to start relevant.