
This is pure garbage, you don’t actually know anything about real guns, you think you do because of some video games? Your gun expert is some boot licking cop, that is also your friend... Just about everything in the article is fantasy. You should be fired for writing such bullshit, lies, and propaganda.

You are exactly the type of gamer I hope they never listen to. Fallout 4 is complete garbage. It’s the most watered down iteration of Fallout. There is zero choice, the chat options are canned and stale. How much of a filthy casual are you?

You are exactly the type of gamer I hope they never listen to. Fallout 4 is complete garbage. It’s the most watered down iteration of Fallout. There is zero choice, the chat options are canned and stale. How much of a filthy casual are you?

What are you going on about? In no plane of reality would Nintendo ever make a Zelda mmo. It would be a terrible game, considering the whole game revolves around a silent character.

You are clearly an idiot and have never manger or owned a business.

Tell them to go to a trade school, and get an actual well paying career without the crippling debt. Plus, most kids never finish college anyway. The ones that do finish with a 4 year degree took 5-6 years to finish.

How much of a pathetic soul do you have to be to still be playing games like Oblivion or Skyrim?

You, and your parents, are idiots. Way to buy into college dogma bullshit. You could have gone to a trade school and already making most people with a degree. Plus, not be up to your eyeballs in debt.

You mean have 3 animations for every weapon. The combat in Vermintide 2 is pretty stale, and boring.

What a big ol’ nothing burger. I wouldn’t tell a child, either. That’s just smart. I swear Kotaku employees the laziest, and most worthless “journalists” they can find.

Because people shouldn’t go around labeling themselves with labels that aren’t true. I bet you label yourself a rational person, when in reality you aren’t.

You sound like a real winner, with an attitude like that I bet boys can’t wait to date.

So as you have demonstrated you mark everyone rust disagrees with you as a troll. This says nothing of your political beliefs, and everything with what kind of person you are. Don’t forget to join antifa.

Too many “news” articles are like this one. Using a small group of people, and a few tweets, to make huge generalizations. It’s lazy and low hanging fruit. Is the author of this really happy with this quality of work? If they are they should quit.

Yea, I really don’t feel bad for these kids. For fuck sakes the one girl was wearin a Cuban flag patch, a country not known For their great treatment of people. And the Hogg kid is just a glory whore, like Alex Jones. Once the politics of this wash away these kids will be left out in the cold, wondering where there 15

Why the fuck is there an article about someone breaking character? SNL has been garbage for years, with a minor exception of Andy Sandburg and Justin Timberlake. Perhaps it would be better to write nothing than to put out drivel on a pointless topic.

How worthless is your existence that you care, at all, that these people are a couple or not? Get a, fucking, hobby.

How much of a mindless suburbanite do you have to be to care about what Ellen thinks about anything?

The headline reads like a 4th grader wrote it, and frankly the body of writing is about the same. Nothing more than drivel.

No one made you have a kid, why should it be the companies duty to compensate you for something that was a personal choice that would affect your life so heavily?