It has black people in it, definitely be careful showing it to your children. To be safe, so negromania won’t spread, I would suggest avoiding the movie. At least until authorities can white wash the movie. Not today darky, not today.
It has black people in it, definitely be careful showing it to your children. To be safe, so negromania won’t spread, I would suggest avoiding the movie. At least until authorities can white wash the movie. Not today darky, not today.
You sound salty that he has a better sex life than you. lol
Oh shit, are you a real internet super sleuths? Do you have any proof or are you sniffing your own farts and trying to pass them as facts?
It’s the same reason the heel is popular in all levels of theater, and story telling. Do you not enjoy shows like Eastbound and Down? Also, way to be a white knight cuck.
Cool story, bro, tell it again.
What kind of amateur, trying pass themselves off as a professional, comes up with a title like this? These Overwatch articles are as over the top as the drivel you would find on ESPN. No wonder Kotaku isn’t taken serious.
It’s amazing how many people are more than willing to live off the government, let the government do everything for them, and hate competition, capitalism, and the free market. Get rid of net neutrality, let the free market flourish, you commie pigs.
The entire event is terrible now. It’s stale, commercial, and obvious it has been scrubbed of anything that would express individuality or not appropriate for children. All the fun personalities have either left or been banned. And they continue to support terrible people like protogamergirl. It’s okay to be a trash…
You are being paid to put out this kind of drivel? Find something with substance or don’t right at all.
The world doesn’t need feminism and it doesn’t need you lol. Virtue signal somewhere else, kid
Why would anyone put up the tens of millions of dollars o run a social experiment everyone knows will fail?
Hahahahahahaha, people like you shouldn’t have children. You are softer than baby shit. Life must suck for someone like yourself. You see people being toxic everywhere, and the world is against you because of the axe wound between your legs.
Bye Felicia, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. No event, group, or person, needs someone like you as a fan. Take your alligator tears somewhere else.
It’s not an excuse. Hormones are a very real thing. You are forgetting that the owners of these teams are their to make money, not play babysitter. Humans can try to run from the fact that we are animals, all we want, but doesn’t change the fact that we are. You put young men and women in a house together and you are…
Good, I hope they did. I hope you ruin your life by holding your breath for 10 minutes.
Fuck off, faggot. Go suck some dicks, because no one here gives a fuck about what you have to say.
It is simply not worth the headache to bring a female into an all male living situation. The owners are their to make money not be apart of failed social experiments. Most importantly,the player in question, isn’t very good, has a terrible hero pool, and lacks confidence.
Can you just fuck off? Your opinion is worth nothing. You are nothing more than some sjw looking to virtue signal. Go away, and never reproduce.
Oh, stop your virtue signaling.
I believe you are those things. Don’t you have an antifa meeting to run along to, while the adults are talking?